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20 Jun 2024
In reply to @monirzadeh:matrix.org
can you please give me an example? (i try to test that but it not give me new object in console)
as i undrestand it should finaly bind to keybind. can we add an event handler that run that each time tabs update?
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/onUpdated there's a tab updated event yeah
In reply to @bovine3dom:matrix.org

if you're using jsb you need the background console, available at about:debugging -> this Firefox -> tridactyl -> inspect

then e.g. :jsb tri.browser.tabs.query({}).then(x=>console.log(x))

i run inspect console and run :jsb tri.browser.tabs.query({}).then(x=>console.log(x)) in other tab but get
controller in excmd:  Error: tri.browser is undefined
In reply to @monirzadeh:matrix.org
i run inspect console and run :jsb tri.browser.tabs.query({}).then(x=>console.log(x)) in other tab but get
controller in excmd:  Error: tri.browser is undefined

Oh, sorry, it's probably just browser. and not tri.browser.

I am away from my PC for a few days so I can't check right now

21 Jun 2024
@ash-m:matrix.orgash-m there's no : to focus the "next" window (I don't know if there is even a concept of windows) 01:45:09
@ash-m:matrix.orgash-m * there's no : to focus the "next" window (I don't know if there is even a concept of order to windows) 01:45:19
In reply to @ash-m:matrix.org
there's no : to focus the "next" window (I don't know if there is even a concept of order to windows)

hmm. I don't think anyone has asked for that

Closest is B which gives you all tabs from all windows

@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domWe could potentially add it if there was enough demand05:38:45
In reply to @bovine3dom:matrix.org
We could potentially add it if there was enough demand
It's not really something I have a use case for; I am just comparing different tools across the board and it seemed like something that might be available, but I don't really feel the lack of that feature.
Ce n'est vrai pas quelque chose pour laquelle j'ai un cas d'utilisation. (too hard)... Il a l'air comme ça pourrait être là mais je ne sent pas le manque.
23 Jun 2024
@dr_nxl:matrix.orgdr_nxlRedacted or Malformed Event07:12:39
Download image.png
Download image.png
@dr_nxl:matrix.orgdr_nxlMy first commit here was about ci I think 07:13:56
28 Jun 2024
@monirzadeh:matrix.orgmonirzadeh I have a proxy name proxya
I want set that as my default (any site use proxya)
And than create an exclude list to connect direct
How should I done this in config file?
I don't open in separate container just proxy settings

I can include with
set proxy proxya

But I can't define exclude list

@monirzadeh:matrix.orgmonirzadeh *

I set general proxy with
set proxy proxya

But I can't define exclude list

In reply to @monirzadeh:matrix.org

I set general proxy with
set proxy proxya

But I can't define exclude list

For example local IP or sites end to .net etc
In reply to @monirzadeh:matrix.org

I set general proxy with
set proxy proxya

But I can't define exclude list

29 Jun 2024
In reply to @monirzadeh:matrix.org
I have a proxy name proxya
I want set that as my default (any site use proxya)
And than create an exclude list to connect direct
How should I done this in config file?
I don't open in separate container just proxy settings

Could you file an issue? I'm not sure this is currently possible but even if it is we should improve the docs

It would be something like

set proxy proxya autocontain -s [url regex] none [some magic proxy name that means no proxy]

30 Jun 2024
In reply to @bovine3dom:matrix.org

Could you file an issue? I'm not sure this is currently possible but even if it is we should improve the docs

It would be something like

set proxy proxya autocontain -s [url regex] none [some magic proxy name that means no proxy]

Do you mean this?

set proxy proxya
proxyadd directconnect none
autocontain -s youtube\.com none directconnect

It is not working :(

In reply to @monirzadeh:matrix.org

Do you mean this?

set proxy proxya
proxyadd directconnect none
autocontain -s youtube\.com none directconnect

It is not working :(

i don't think the magic name exists yet
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domwe would need to make one09:58:45
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3dombut maybe one does exist and i just don't know it09:58:54
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domI asked you to file an issue because i knew I would forget :)09:59:06
@monirzadeh:matrix.orgmonirzadehI add that in #501510:13:53
In reply to @bovine3dom:matrix.org
but maybe one does exist and i just don't know it
Not just direct connect even switch to other proxy
@dr_nxl:matrix.orgdr_nxlPretty hard to debug CI, I get firefox error about profile T_T10:27:12
@dr_nxl:matrix.orgdr_nxl I have an error about profile when I do guiset gui none I didn't wanted to have a look at... 10:28:07
In reply to @dr_nxl:matrix.org
Pretty hard to debug CI, I get firefox error about profile T_T
In reply to @monirzadeh:matrix.org
Not just direct connect even switch to other proxy
hmm, maybe it's incompatible with set proxy
@dr_nxl:matrix.orgdr_nxlprofiledir is set to auto, I'm under ubuntu. Should I modify it to point to my firefox profile in my filesystem ?10:29:18

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