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30 Jun 2024
In reply to @dr_nxl:matrix.org
profiledir is set to auto, I'm under ubuntu. Should I modify it to point to my firefox profile in my filesystem ?
Sure if it isn't working
@dr_nxl:matrix.orgdr_nxlI' using firefox sync, there is no bad interaction between ?10:35:30
Download image.png
In reply to @dr_nxl:matrix.org
I' using firefox sync, there is no bad interaction between ?
no, it's explicit now with the sync pull/push commands
In reply to @dr_nxl:matrix.org
sent an image.
I have no idea how snap works, sorry :)

Hi @bovine3dom thanks for quick fix.
Beta version build still is manually?
Can we have another beta release?

@monirzadeh:matrix.orgmonirzadeh *

Hi @bovine3dom thanks for quick fix.
Beta version build still is manually?
Can we have another beta release?

In reply to @monirzadeh:matrix.org

Hi @bovine3dom thanks for quick fix.
Beta version build still is manually?
Can we have another beta release?

yeah it is

I'll try to remember to do one in the next few days

If I forget please remind me

In reply to @bovine3dom:matrix.org
I have no idea how snap works, sorry :)
I've found my profile somewhere here /home/dranaxel/snap/firefox/common/.cache/mozilla/firefox/cdurtjxm.default
@dr_nxl:matrix.orgdr_nxlBut doesn't work even if I set it into profiledur20:45:47
@dr_nxl:matrix.orgdr_nxl mb, it works with set profiledir 20:54:34
4 Jul 2024
In reply to @bovine3dom:matrix.org

yeah it is

I'll try to remember to do one in the next few days

If I forget please remind me

Hi @bovine3dom just as reminder as you want 😉

5 Jul 2024
@kkini:matrix.orgkini joined the room.09:01:34
6 Jul 2024
@monirzadeh:matrix.orgmonirzadehIs it possible to redirect website for example YouTube.com to an invidious instance with tridactyl?12:54:47
@festplattenschnitzel:matrix.orgFestplattenSchnitzel joined the room.20:17:41
7 Jul 2024
@jacksonchen666:jacksonchen666.comjacksonchen666 (they/it)
In reply to @monirzadeh:matrix.org
Is it possible to redirect website for example YouTube.com to an invidious instance with tridactyl?
likely no, use something like libredirect
In reply to @monirzadeh:matrix.org
Is it possible to redirect website for example YouTube.com to an invidious instance with tridactyl?
yeah e.g. autocmd DocStart is the simplest way
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domThere are other options if you look at the autocmd help08:19:17
In reply to @monirzadeh:matrix.org

Hi @bovine3dom just as reminder as you want 😉

I had forgotten, I'll try to do it today, thanks :)
In reply to @bovine3dom:matrix.org
I had forgotten, I'll try to do it today, thanks :)
10 Jul 2024
In reply to @bovine3dom:matrix.org
I had forgotten, I'll try to do it today, thanks :)
Just as reminder as you want
12 Jul 2024
In reply to @monirzadeh:matrix.org
Just as reminder as you want
Done! 1.24.1pre7207 should appear in your browser within a week. You can speed it up via about:addons -> tridactyl -> cog icon -> check for updates then restart your browser

Thanks it is work as expected just I can't exclude sites end with specific domain for example

auto contain -s .net none none

Not exclude site like example.net

auto contain -s *.net none none
Not work too

In reply to @monirzadeh:matrix.org

Thanks it is work as expected just I can't exclude sites end with specific domain for example

auto contain -s .net none none

Not exclude site like example.net

auto contain -s *.net none none
Not work too

if you use :autocontain -u [regex] it will do "test URL here".search(regex), you should be able to craft a regex that works
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domMake sure you tidy up old autocontains first as you can get conflicts18:29:08
15 Jul 2024
@jutty:bsd.cafejutty joined the room.19:51:29
24 Jul 2024
@Lexi:matrix.orgLexi Just an idea: When entering tri back in the address bar, it would be useful if ctrl+return worked to open it in a new tab.
I don't even know if that's possible though... Maybe it's Firefox's responsibility instead of Tridactyl's?
Hope you're doing great
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domI am pretty sure that's for Firefox to decide16:04:37
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domI am doing great, I hope you are too :)16:05:17

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