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19 Apr 2024
In reply to @gamingjones223:beeper.com

cause it currently cant run on:
loading pages
extension pages
about:newtab / about:preferences type pages
by default, the firefox addon store

and i imagine there are a ton of other limitations associated with operating purely as a browser addon

1) pages load quickly for me or I use ctrl+comma
3) i visit all the pages you mention about twice a year
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3dom* pages load quickly for me or I use ctrl+comma 2) i visit all the pages you mention about twice a year15:49:23
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domelement has mangled my formatting 15:49:38
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3dombut i am personally unmotivated to fork firefox15:50:23
In reply to @bovine3dom:matrix.org
pages load quickly for me or I use ctrl+comma
2) i visit all the pages you mention about twice a year
about:newtab is the default newtab page, so tridactyl has to override it to tridactyl's newpage, whch is not really a remarkably helpful page to be on, and the normal newtab page has your bookmarks and stuff there, so i could see how a person might want to be on it. Setting newtab to a website means every time you open a new tab you have to wait for a website to load before you can do anything, so I am remarkably uninterested in doing that. I'm just using the default tridactyl new tab, even though it doesn't do much for me other than show a changelog.
I change extension options in the little popup menus daily. I visit actual extension pages like every once in a while ( mostly tampermonkey's ) . I interact with the embed for faststream pretty often, and tridactyl cannot, because it is an extension page.
I interact with about:preferences all the time to change proxy settings. ( atleast twice a day ). It is not that bad, because it is keyboard navigable on its own, but still.
pages load fairly quickly for me, but if i make a typo when going to a webpage, and then have to wait for that webpage to load before i can fix my typo, even if that waiting is 3/4 of a second, that still kinda sucks.
In reply to @bovine3dom:matrix.org
but i am personally unmotivated to fork firefox
this makes sense to me though.
@gamingjones223:beeper.comgamingjones223Large undertaking for a problem you don't really have 15:56:12

im not really sure what happened but the <C-t> for tabopen one stopped working

here are my binds for this from my tridactylrc

bind <C-l> current_url open
bind <C-t> tabopen

C-l works perfectly
C-t just opens a new tab like normal

checking :bind <C-t> i see <C-t> as bound to tabopen

hitting ctrl + t opens a new tab

@gamingjones223:beeper.comgamingjones223Download 2024-04-19 12-34-46.mp416:35:33
20 Apr 2024
In reply to @gamingjones223:beeper.com

im not really sure what happened but the <C-t> for tabopen one stopped working

here are my binds for this from my tridactylrc

bind <C-l> current_url open
bind <C-t> tabopen

C-l works perfectly
C-t just opens a new tab like normal

checking :bind <C-t> i see <C-t> as bound to tabopen

hitting ctrl + t opens a new tab

Tridactyl needs to have focus
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domctrl + ,; ctrl+t14:38:49
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domtabopen is supposed to open a new tab14:39:09
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domIt gives Tridactyl focus which is what I thought you wanted14:39:29
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domif you want the same behaviour as t you should bind to `fillcmdline tabopen` instead14:39:49
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3dombtw I think a lot of this is covered in `:tutor` :)14:40:05
@gamingjones223:beeper.comgamingjones223i did read :tutor a solid 6 months ago. i might read it again.14:40:31
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domtbh i "learn" new stuff each time I reread it so I would be amazed if anyone else already knew everything in it14:41:22
In reply to @bovine3dom:matrix.org
Tridactyl needs to have focus
im pretty sure it had focus cause im on a new tab owned by tridactyl
@gamingjones223:beeper.comgamingjones223the fillcmdline one is still not successfully overriding the normal firefox ctrl t14:57:20
@gamingjones223:beeper.comgamingjones223Download 2024-04-20 10-55-48.mp414:57:48
In reply to @bovine3dom:matrix.org
tabopen is supposed to open a new tab
yeah but even without the fillcmdline thing its obviously not doing it the tridactyl way, ctrl+t is having the addressbar focused on the new tab still.
@gamingjones223:beeper.comgamingjones223* with the fillcmdline its not doing fillcmdline at all its just opening a new tab normal firefox style15:09:53
In reply to @bovine3dom:matrix.org
tbh i "learn" new stuff each time I reread it so I would be amazed if anyone else already knew everything in it
Good to know, thanks! Will read again soon
In reply to @gamingjones223:beeper.com
with the fillcmdline its not doing fillcmdline at all its just opening a new tab normal firefox style
I'll try to remember to look when I'm back at my PC on Thursday
In reply to @bovine3dom:matrix.org
I'll try to remember to look when I'm back at my PC on Thursday
Alrighty thank you
@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domWe used to be able to override ctrl+t but maybe they changed it17:56:46
@ryan:freumh.org@ryan:freumh.org left the room.20:47:54
21 Apr 2024
In reply to @gamingjones223:beeper.com
about:newtab is the default newtab page, so tridactyl has to override it to tridactyl's newpage, whch is not really a remarkably helpful page to be on, and the normal newtab page has your bookmarks and stuff there, so i could see how a person might want to be on it. Setting newtab to a website means every time you open a new tab you have to wait for a website to load before you can do anything, so I am remarkably uninterested in doing that. I'm just using the default tridactyl new tab, even though it doesn't do much for me other than show a changelog.
I change extension options in the little popup menus daily. I visit actual extension pages like every once in a while ( mostly tampermonkey's ) . I interact with the embed for faststream pretty often, and tridactyl cannot, because it is an extension page.
I interact with about:preferences all the time to change proxy settings. ( atleast twice a day ). It is not that bad, because it is keyboard navigable on its own, but still.
pages load fairly quickly for me, but if i make a typo when going to a webpage, and then have to wait for that webpage to load before i can fix my typo, even if that waiting is 3/4 of a second, that still kinda sucks.

Sorry, I had missed this message

1) I barely ever see the new tab page since I open pages with tabopen/winopen

2) faststream is probably not something we could ever solve :(

3) Tridactyl can control proxies directly, see :apropos proxy

4) since I use tabopen/winopen completions I almost never make typos for URLs

@bovine3dom:matrix.orgbovine3domI don't particularly want to spend time making the new tab page better because in my opinion if you're using Tridactyl "right" you should almost never see it ... but, that said, what would make it "useful" to you? What is it missing?05:55:13

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