
FLiP Community

718 Members
Friendly Linux Players is an inclusive online gaming community of Linux enthusiasts. We aim to be welcoming to all who would want to join us, provided our Code of Conduct is adhered to. See the website for more information: https://friendlylinuxplayers.org/68 Servers

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20 Nov 2023
@btx256:matrix.orgbtx256 joined the room.05:03:52
@mourte:catgirl.cloudMourtis changed their profile picture.10:23:48
@560:flip.earth560 joined the room.18:25:40
@561:flip.earth561 joined the room.18:25:44
@btx256:matrix.orgbtx256 left the room.19:43:45
23 Nov 2023
@copenhagen_bram:matrix.orghttps://symbology.lhohq.info/ changed their display name from Copenhagen Bram to https://symbology.lhohq.info/.01:02:50
@janejay:matrix.org@janejay:matrix.org joined the room.14:43:40
@janejay:matrix.org@janejay:matrix.org left the room.15:12:00
24 Nov 2023
@562:flip.earth562 joined the room.14:47:21
26 Nov 2023
@winklerdeadagain:matrix.orgwinklerdeadagain joined the room.02:01:10
@563:flip.earth563 joined the room.05:37:01
@mjal:deuxfleurs.frmjal left the room.13:37:53
@asdasfnebnasd:matrix.orgBrandy Enjoyer left the room.22:02:06
27 Nov 2023
@unknowncoop:matrix.orgunknowncoop joined the room.02:51:40
@564:flip.earth564 joined the room.03:36:59
30 Nov 2023
@hikari:catgirl.cloudBridget (she/them) changed their profile picture.15:56:36
1 Dec 2023
@anonymous_donaldum_trumpet:matrix.orgman eats man and man runs from man joined the room.11:46:56
2 Dec 2023
@wsamwsam:matrix.orgwsam wsam top joined the room.11:26:23
@kapx132:matrix.orgkapx132 (he/him) ♾️ changed their display name from kapx132 (he/him) to kapx132 (he/him) ♾️.20:44:20
3 Dec 2023
@furter:matrix.orgFrank joined the room.06:28:57
@cat5e:matrix.orgARrrrr (Morg) changed their display name from → @a:the-apothecary.club to ARrrrr (Morg).12:40:21
@exiledking:matrix.orgExiledKing joined the room.22:13:52
@exiledking:envs.netExiledKing joined the room.22:53:05
@exiledking:envs.netExiledKing changed their display name from exiledking to ExiledKing.22:54:46
@exiledking:envs.netExiledKing set a profile picture.22:54:51
5 Dec 2023
@leftybournes:matrix.orgLeftybournes changed their profile picture.04:41:34
@qnec:matrix.orgqnec joined the room.23:02:28
@leftybournes:matrix.orgLeftybournes changed their display name from Leftybournes to Kent Delante.23:36:45
@leftybournes:matrix.orgLeftybournes changed their display name from Kent Delante to Leftybournes.23:39:14
6 Dec 2023
@serenitychic11:matrix.orgNikki Serenity (Nikki) joined the room.04:12:06

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