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14 Jul 2019
@jbperry:matrix.orgjbperryI'm done with part 2, and am almost finished with part 319:18:12
@jbperry:matrix.orgjbperryThose two took particluarly long because they involved doing a lot of research19:19:27
@yalda:matrix.orgstellarmagnetare they all in that folder?19:35:56
@jbperry:matrix.orgjbperryI haven't put part 3 there yet, becasue I prefer word over google docs when I'm working19:37:56
16 Jul 2019
17 Jul 2019
In reply to @jbperry:matrix.org
So, I’ve finished the first part of my Fermi paradox series for maximum jailbreak. Like here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o9-41s5AG9B8MbH9eOp7jQgGbCzGW8tnKAgdavO5DFM/edit?usp=sharing
@jbperry:matrix.org: I just read your article #1 and I loved it.
@suzi.bianco:matrix.orgsuzi.biancoMy only comment is to make the introduction a bit catchier and let us know in the beginning what the scope of this and each of the other 4 articles will be. Other than that, from my POV, it is ready to go.17:46:32
@suzi.bianco:matrix.orgsuzi.biancoDo you have a link for #2?17:50:24
@jbperry:matrix.orgjbperryOk, I'll try to get it finalized by Friday. Here is the folder where I'm putting all of them: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1O4gphHWci5A646DMPdIOTrpKt0YpF3mO20:27:29
22 Jul 2019
@daniellmesquita:matrix.orgDaniell Mesquita changed their profile picture.00:46:24
25 Jul 2019
@cagonzalez8:matrix.orgCarlos Gonzalez-Riverahttps://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/viewrepositorydocument/cmdocumentid=701904/solicitationId=%7B2F9F33ED-BAB5-11AF-FB7A-7AD585050BCE%7D/viewSolicitationDocument=1/Draft%20Challenges%20RFI%20_18July%202019.pdf01:43:13
@cagonzalez8:matrix.orgCarlos Gonzalez-RiveraJust got the invitation01:43:25
@suzi.bianco:matrix.orgsuzi.biancoCool! Kinda weird though that there is an rfi for student challenges hahaha02:15:42
20 Aug 2019
@outbound:matrix.orgoutboundZoom is not loading for me...03:08:18
@suzi.bianco:matrix.orgsuzi.bianco Omg sorry guys! I had a problem and lost track of time! I won't make it unfortunately. Is the meeting going on? 03:25:43
@outbound:matrix.orgoutboundTom is talking energy policy and technology. I can't talk, I've just about lost my voice to a cold.03:40:42
@suzi.bianco:matrix.orgsuzi.biancoI am so sorry!03:41:55
@outbound:matrix.orgoutboundNo problemo.03:42:49
@outbound:matrix.orgoutboundI logged off, and we'll try again next week.03:47:51
24 Aug 2019
@gesatualvou3:matrix.org@gesatualvou3:matrix.org joined the room.20:38:39
@gesatualvou3:matrix.org@gesatualvou3:matrix.org left the room.20:38:55
27 Aug 2019
@cagonzalez8:matrix.orgCarlos Gonzalez-RiveraGood to go. I think I'll make it to next weeks meeting.16:22:02
10 Sep 2019
@daniellmesquita:matrix.orgDaniell MesquitaRedacted or Malformed Event19:43:45
@daniellmesquita:matrix.orgDaniell MesquitaFlying saucers are feasible and not a joke: https://spacedecentral.net/forum/posts/flying-saucers-are-feasible-and-not-a-joke20:17:41
12 Sep 2019
@mhpanda:matrix.orgmhpandaHey folks! Ive been out of service for a few months (my wife has had me working on projects around the house), but I am trying to start working my way back in.09:49:04
@mhpanda:matrix.orgmhpandaAre you all still looking for an editor for Maximum Jailbreak? If so, I would be willing to throw my hat in. For the moment, I am still somewhat time limited, as I am working on other projects, but I should be able to work in 5-10 hours/week. Since I am also looking for new sources of revenue, I would be able to increase my contribution considerably if it results in a paid position. I am fine with production/performance based rates.09:57:31
@mhpanda:matrix.orgmhpandaMy original BA was in Lit/Comp, and I have some practical experience (although not paid, so far).09:59:21
14 Sep 2019
@jbperry:matrix.orgjbperry mhpanda: It's great that someone qualified is interested in editing. I ended up writing a series of articles over the summer. The first one was edited by Yalda, but it seems like her and the other space cooperative members are putting pretty much all of their effort into software development right now. As far as I’ve seen, they are not really supporting any of the organizations or websites that they have already developed, so I’m not sure if it would be more productive to try and restart maximum jailbreak right now, or wait until they are ready to launch the stuff that they are currently working on. 13:23:17
@jbperry:matrix.orgjbperryRedacted or Malformed Event13:24:00
15 Sep 2019

I'm working on the math for propulsion using coulombs not thrust for propulsion.

It uses reluctance of a planet and high voltage plasmas to not require much current to accelerate straight up.

The plasma "shades" the ctr of effort of the large object so gravity vectors only can act from the sides, on an angle.

The big deal,
Fg = m1•m2÷d², Fchg = q1•q2÷d
Given equal distance, do da' math.



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