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xmonad is a dynamically tiling X11 window manager that is written and configured in Haskell | http://xmonad.org | http://xmonad.org/faq | cheatsheet: http://bit.ly/gz1R422 Servers

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11 Oct 2020
@code-bit-cookie:matrix.org@code-bit-cookie:matrix.orgOh it is actually window ruling for the win16:52:08
@code-bit-cookie:matrix.org@code-bit-cookie:matrix.orgTiling *16:52:21
@therealdannyboy:matrix.org@therealdannyboy:matrix.orgXMonad is written in Haskell. It's not as new and shiny as Rust, but it feels like black magic, as has been said.17:30:59
@lurpam:matrix.orgmıaomāı A year or two or three ago, I might have tried that wtftw, but I am become lazy. XMonad is nice and I'm used to it now. Even though I still can't figure out how to get it to make room for xmobar. 18:49:45
@lurpam:matrix.orgmıaomāı I'd try it now if it supported Wayland… and the evil proprietary graphics drivers I'm using supported Wayland. 18:53:46
@therealdannyboy:matrix.org@therealdannyboy:matrix.orgWaymonad is a thing.19:48:08
@therealdannyboy:matrix.org@therealdannyboy:matrix.org * WayMonad is a thing.19:48:13
@therealdannyboy:matrix.org@therealdannyboy:matrix.orgBut NVIDIA...yeah...19:48:27
@lurpam:matrix.orgmıaomāı I think it was seen as a not very good thing, last time I checked. But I'm not sure. 19:48:39
@lurpam:matrix.orgmıaomāıOr maybe I just wanted to think that because the GitHub repo for it hasn't been touched in years.19:49:30
12 Oct 2020

XMonad is written in Haskell. It's not as new and shiny as Rust, but it feels like black magic, as has been said.

So is this good on haskells side?

@therealdannyboy:matrix.org@therealdannyboy:matrix.orgI think so. Haskell is what is called a functional programming language.15:35:53
@code-bit-cookie:matrix.org@code-bit-cookie:matrix.orgNice, I have learnt Haskell and now am wanting to learn rust as I am a programmer18:44:55
@lurpam:matrix.orgmıaomāıEach has its place.22:49:59
@lurpam:matrix.orgmıaomāıI decided that I'm too stupid for Haskell.22:51:01
13 Oct 2020
It's not as new and shiny as Rust, …
@lurpam:matrix.orgmıaomāı This statement amuses me. 07:19:41
@therealdannyboy:matrix.org@therealdannyboy:matrix.orgLOL I just got it. That was not intended, but I agree that it is quite clever.07:21:24
@therealdannyboy:matrix.org@therealdannyboy:matrix.org * LOL I just got it. That was not intended, but I agree that it is quite amusing.07:21:34
@lurpam:matrix.orgmıaomāıUnintentional puns are the best puns.07:21:58
@lurpam:matrix.orgmıaomāı Now, how do you get XMonad to leave space for xmobar? 07:22:56
@lurpam:matrix.orgmıaomāı … even after I went and learned a good bit of Haskell, XMonad's config file kept feeling a bit too black magicy. 07:24:11
@therealdannyboy:matrix.org@therealdannyboy:matrix.org You tell to avoidStructs. Perhaps looking at some example configs would help. 07:26:32
@lurpam:matrix.orgmıaomāıI have that, though.07:34:44
@lurpam:matrix.orgmıaomāı… and there it goes.07:44:53
@lurpam:matrix.orgmıaomāı xmonad $ ewmh …xmonad . docks $ ewmh … 07:45:35
@therealdannyboy:matrix.org@therealdannyboy:matrix.org Do you have the spawnPipe bit set up? 08:07:39
@lurpam:matrix.orgmıaomāı Yes, I had it all working normally for a while, and I guess I messed it up when I added that ewmh part. I don't remember why I did that. 08:08:28
@lurpam:matrix.orgmıaomāı I didn't get rid of any of the xmobar stuff, I just killed it semi-regularly because I couldn't see it. 08:09:11
@lurpam:matrix.orgmıaomāı Now it seems to be working right again, so I'm messing with the old xmobar config that I hadn't touched in… possibly years now. 08:10:09

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