
Bonfire Networks

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29 Feb 2024
@adrian:lorenzana.engineeringadrian ⚡️ joined the room.17:15:15
@adrian:lorenzana.engineeringadrian ⚡️Allo! Does anyone happen to have a working flake/configuration.nix for deploying bonfire?18:44:06
@adrian:lorenzana.engineeringadrian ⚡️Working on getting a little test instance working on a raspberry pi18:44:21
@adrian:lorenzana.engineeringadrian ⚡️Love the project ;)18:44:24
@adrian:lorenzana.engineeringadrian ⚡️ * Love the project :)18:44:29
In reply to @adrian:lorenzana.engineering
Allo! Does anyone happen to have a working flake/configuration.nix for deploying bonfire?
There is one in the repo that a couple put together but it's a WIP and probably flaky ;) More recently someone added a guix config as well.
In reply to @adrian:lorenzana.engineering
Working on getting a little test instance working on a raspberry pi
Let us know how it goes! Have done it before and it runs fine, the slowest part is compilation (unless you're able to compile on another device or CI with same arch and distro)
@aynish:sealight.xyz@aynish:sealight.xyzi was the one developing the flake.nix in the repo, but it's borked af afair18:52:46
@aynish:sealight.xyz@aynish:sealight.xyzi'm looking to pick that back up and ideally get it working for all flavours later this month!18:53:05
@aynish:sealight.xyz@aynish:sealight.xyzwould love for you to take a look / help out if you're interested in that :)18:53:42
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel invited @fishinthecalculator:matrix.orgfishinthecalculator.18:54:55
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel I wonder how much overlap there is / can be with the guix set up? I just invited the person in question  18:55:37
@Ryuno-Ki:matrix.orgRyuno-Ki (André Jaenisch)
In reply to @aynish:sealight.xyz
i'm looking to pick that back up and ideally get it working for all flavours later this month!
Are you in March already?
@mayel:matrix.orgMayel I think they used the docker containers rather than comping for bare elixir  18:56:09
@aynish:sealight.xyz@aynish:sealight.xyzthere's probably a fair amount of overlap, but i'd need to look at the guix src to be sure18:56:37
In reply to @Ryuno-Ki:matrix.org
Are you in March already?
haha, no, i mispoke
In reply to @mayel:matrix.org
I think they used the docker containers rather than comping for bare elixir 
oh, that's less interesting. i'm hoping to compile / build for bare elixir
@adrian:lorenzana.engineeringadrian ⚡️
In reply to @aynish:sealight.xyz
would love for you to take a look / help out if you're interested in that :)
Gotchca! I'll try and give a look through the repository flake soonish :)
@fishinthecalculator:matrix.orgfishinthecalculator joined the room.19:47:15
@fishinthecalculator:matrix.orgfishinthecalculator hi all I just read the discussion about nix/guix. for deploying on guix i wrote a Guix System service. for building bonfire with guix provided dependencies i added some logic .envrc . both the service and the dev environment now use docker provided dependencies to avoid packaging all of bonfire's dependencies. i'm planning to do that sooner or later but it is its own can of worms. aynish pretty cool work with the flake. did you manage to package all of the dependencies? 19:55:28
@fishinthecalculator:matrix.orgfishinthecalculator * hi all I just read the discussion about nix/guix. for deploying on guix i wrote a Guix System service. for building bonfire with guix provided dependencies i added some logic in the .envrc . both the service and the dev environment now use docker provided dependencies to avoid packaging all of bonfire's dependencies. i'm planning to do that sooner or later but it is its own can of worms. aynish pretty cool work with the flake. did you manage to package all of the dependencies? 19:55:43

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