
Bonfire Networks

200 Members
General chat about https://bonfirenetworks.org Other channels: #bonfire-tech:matrix.org #bonfire-meetings:matrix.org #bonfire-documentation:matrix.org55 Servers

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22 May 2024
@wlonk:matrix.org@wlonk:matrix.org left the room.18:44:11
23 May 2024
@adrigen:matrix.orgadrigen joined the room.00:28:23
@adrigen:matrix.orgadrigeng'day mates.00:29:37
@adrigen:matrix.orgadrigenI'm following the docs on setting up a dev environment. I'm stuck not knowing what the docker image is called. Can anyone help out?11:23:48
@adrigen:matrix.orgadrigen...and there appear to be no secrets in ./.env as per "Then edit the config (especially the secrets) for the current flavour in ./.env"11:29:20
@adrigen:matrix.orgadrigen...and Hi! I'm from Australia. I'm interested in exploring new platforms for our gifting community. Keen to contribute in any way I can. I used to do front end development about 10 years ago. So I am a bit rusty but seem to have developed more patience in that time away from the screen so I'm keen to learn how to do things well ;)11:33:49
@mayel:matrix.orgMayelHi, let’s move this to #bonfire-tech11:35:15
25 May 2024
@biobrotmithonig:haecceity.ccbiobrotmithonig ⚡️ joined the room.12:41:29
26 May 2024
@fitik:matrix.orgFitik🤍🩵🤍[ENG/RUS/HEB] joined the room.00:10:21
29 May 2024
@steven:brusilia.euSteven joined the room.14:15:59
1 Jun 2024
@denntenna:matrix.orgDenny George joined the room.03:57:58
2 Jun 2024
@pdgonzalez872:matrix.orgpdgonzalez872 joined the room.22:12:00
8 Jun 2024
@shankardevy:matrix.orgshankardevy joined the room.17:47:07
9 Jun 2024
@acablol:matrix.orgJack joined the room.02:39:49
11 Jun 2024
@cambriale:matrix.orgivanHi :) We're launching a series of expedition to cover some of the issues that are currently preventing a broader bonfire adoption. The first expedition is dedicated to elixir developers who want to help improving documentation and developer experience of setup and create new bonfire extensions. More about this and future expeditions on our blogpost: https://bonfirenetworks.org/posts/surveying_expedition/08:34:47
In reply to @cambriale:matrix.org
Hi :) We're launching a series of expedition to cover some of the issues that are currently preventing a broader bonfire adoption. The first expedition is dedicated to elixir developers who want to help improving documentation and developer experience of setup and create new bonfire extensions.More about this and future expeditions on our blogpost: https://bonfirenetworks.org/posts/surveying_expedition/

Not an Elixir developer, still excited to read about the expedition! Bon voayage!

@davemenninger:matrix.orgdavemenningeri'm an elixir dev. i emailed!14:49:52
In reply to @davemenninger:matrix.org
i'm an elixir dev. i emailed!
Thanks 🔥 will reach out soon :)
12 Jun 2024
@denntenna:matrix.orgDenny George set a profile picture.07:42:45
14 Jun 2024
@acablol:matrix.orgJack set a profile picture.01:20:56
17 Jun 2024
@je-ff:matrix.orgje-ff joined the room.17:58:30
5 Jul 2024
@steven:brusilia.euSteven set a profile picture.13:44:37
@lionir.ca:matrix.orgLionir joined the room.18:15:13
6 Jul 2024
@adrigen:matrix.orgadrigenIs there a list of bonfire chat rooms?08:26:13
@makoya:matrix.orgmakoya adrigen: https://matrix.to/#/#bonfire-space:matrix.org 09:33:24
11 Jul 2024
@jorgeluis:pub.solarJorge LuisHi guys, congrats on the deployment of the federated test instances!12:21:22
20 Jul 2024
@ssp2024:matrix.orgssp2024 joined the room.06:57:16
23 Jul 2024
@flyingketh:matrix.orgJnn joined the room.07:31:02
@flyingketh:matrix.orgJnn changed their display name from Joanna to Jnn.07:33:56

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