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Experimental end-to-end encrypted IPv6 overlay network — https://yggdrasil-network.github.io — https://github.com/yggdrasil-network/yggdrasil-go — English language only, off-topic → #yggdrasil-community:matrix.org271 Servers

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31 Jul 2021
@mark22k:tchncs.demark22k * The others cannot be children if I do not accept incoming connections.16:59:46
In reply to @mark22k:tchncs.de
The others cannot be children if I do not accept incoming connections.
there's no difference between an outgoing or incoming peering
In reply to @mark22k:tchncs.de
The website says that every node has one parent. But I connect with several peers. How can that be?
iirc the closest-to-root peer is chosen as your node's parent
@mikaela:feneas.orgAminda Fantomino de Rozoand the tree (with parents and children) is just the worst case scenario, in reality your traffic will take any shortcut they can if your peers (and their peers) are closer to the destination17:16:42
@sergejsanin37:matrix.orgМамба left the room.17:19:49
@gosnells:matrix.orgaagainb joined the room.17:35:59
@else_:libera.chatelse_ joined the room.19:26:18
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In reply to @mark22k:tchncs.de
The website says that every node has one parent. But I connect with several peers. How can that be?

This is the genius of yggdrasil.

Yes, every node can have many peers, the true mesh-networking style.
But for routing your messages it is relevant to pick the fastest one (to the root in this case) in order to produce a way in which each node knows how to find other nodes.
This means that if you have many peers, your node still selects exactly one to be a parent. That can change a couple hours later, so nothing permanent, but relevant for routing.

@tomz:matrix.orgtomzcheck out http://[202:d7cd:bd04:6bbc:acc6:b002:da12:86c7]/19:32:03
@tomz:matrix.orgtomzor, as that one doesn't seem to work right now;
In reply to @tomz:matrix.org
or, as that one doesn't seem to work right now;
that one doesn't work either :(
[kimapr@kdp_portable ~]$ curl
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 443 after 91 ms: Connection refused
[kimapr@kdp_portable ~]$ curl
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 80 after 0 ms: Connection refused
@kimapr:iddqd.socialKimaprthat's some weird fuckery20:08:21
@kimapr:iddqd.socialKimapr>0ms ping with my internyet20:09:14
@kimapr:iddqd.socialKimapr>different latency on different ports20:11:08
@kimapr:iddqd.socialKimaprsomeone's messing with my localhost20:12:01
@kimapr:iddqd.socialKimapras i have 1-5ms of latency to the router20:12:21
@kimapr:iddqd.socialKimaprit works correctly on tor browser20:14:36
@else_:libera.chatelse_ left the room.20:20:57
@else_:libera.chatelse_ joined the room.20:41:10
@errhammr:matrix.orgerrhammr🤔 I've got an idea. Nested yggdrasil – yggdrasil over yggdrasil over yggdrasil... Dunno what this would be good for but is it possible?22:52:49
In reply to @errhammr:matrix.org
🤔 I've got an idea. Nested yggdrasil – yggdrasil over yggdrasil over yggdrasil... Dunno what this would be good for but is it possible?
Parallel networks without connection in between. One outer, other inner :)
@errhammr:matrix.orgerrhammrYes, something like that. So I'd need to disable multicast so that the outer and inner nodes don't see each other.22:55:36
@errhammr:matrix.orgerrhammrOr maybe I want the inner net to communicate with the outer net.22:56:09
In reply to @errhammr:matrix.org
Or maybe I want the inner net to communicate with the outer net.
This is the bad idea.
@kimapr:iddqd.socialKimaproh no22:58:36

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