6 Feb 2025 |
zebrag | I've just been dragging images into an org buffer, and clicked on attachment and a link like [[attachement:screenshot.png]] as been created, along with some :PROPERTIES: :ID: <uuid> :END: drawer, and :ATTACH: tag, and I've been running some org-redisplay-inline-images and the images did show. But the command was not showing in my command history so I restarted my emacs. Now I know that ‘org-redisplay-inline-images’ is an obsolete command (as of 9.8); use ‘org-link-preview-refresh’ (C-c C-x C-M-v) instead. But the problem now is that emacs says: [current section] No images to display inline I'm puzzled because it always worked perfectly well.
org-link-preview (replacing org-toggle-inline-images ) => "no images to display at point". | 17:16:50 |
yantar92 (Org maintainer) | In reply to @inkbottle:matrix.org I've just been dragging images into an org buffer, and clicked on attachment and a link like [[attachement:screenshot.png]] as been created, along with some :PROPERTIES: :ID: <uuid> :END: drawer, and :ATTACH: tag, and I've been running some org-redisplay-inline-images and the images did show. But the command was not showing in my command history so I restarted my emacs. Now I know that ‘org-redisplay-inline-images’ is an obsolete command (as of 9.8); use ‘org-link-preview-refresh’ (C-c C-x C-M-v) instead. But the problem now is that emacs says: [current section] No images to display inline I'm puzzled because it always worked perfectly well.
org-link-preview (replacing org-toggle-inline-images ) => "no images to display at point". Maybe it is a bug. Or not. Hard to say without details | 17:29:50 |
yantar92 (Org maintainer) | Maybe you are simply not expecting the new default behaviour of the preview to preview current section only | 17:31:42 |
zebrag | Okay, that must be the second point, possibly, looking into it | 17:36:28 |
zebrag | I've just dragged a new image and did org-link-preview-refresh , and all the images went visible. So possibly it's a bug. Not sure what "section" is, but every time I did the tests, the point was in the vicinity of an attachment link. | 17:45:49 |
zebrag | Not critical though | 17:46:23 |
yantar92 (Org maintainer) | In reply to @inkbottle:matrix.org I've just dragged a new image and did org-link-preview-refresh , and all the images went visible. So possibly it's a bug. Not sure what "section" is, but every time I did the tests, the point was in the vicinity of an attachment link. Section is under current heading | 18:09:08 |
yantar92 (Org maintainer) | If point is say before heading, the link will not be displayed unless you call the preview with prefix arg | 18:09:49 |
yantar92 (Org maintainer) | Check out the news file. It is one of breaking changes | 18:10:07 |
zebrag | Will do | 18:10:40 |
7 Feb 2025 |
| bleachdogwood joined the room. | 07:54:33 |
| anlar left the room. | 10:03:38 |
viz | Is there a function/package out there that would ensure the no. of empty lines before/after each entry before save? I remember seeing such a function in the wild but fail to recall where I saw it | 11:16:51 |
| Herbert changed their profile picture. | 11:31:49 |
| Herbert removed their profile picture. | 11:42:23 |
John Wiegley | Many changes to https://github.com/jwiegley/dot-emacs/blob/master/lisp/org-hash.el, including a command to insert hashes for all entries in a file, or confirm the hash for every entry that already has one. | 22:25:55 |
John Wiegley | viz: You could build a command using org-map-entries and org-N-empty-lines-before-current , and add it to your before-save-hook. | 22:27:05 |
8 Feb 2025 |
karthink | Is there a way to org-refile an entry as the first child of the destination instead of the last? This would be the equivalent of using :prepend in an org-capture template. | 00:57:22 |
| Ivan Lazaric joined the room. | 02:10:33 |
oantolin | I think that's what the variable org-reverse-note-order is for. | 02:55:55 |
karthink | I found this option but it reads like it applies to notes (org-add-note ), not refiled headings? | 02:56:49 |
karthink | Ah, you're correct, but it looks like you have to call org-refile-reverse , a separate command, for this setting to apply. | 02:58:14 |
karthink | * ~~Ah, you're correct, but it looks like you have to call org-refile-reverse , a separate command, for this setting to apply.~~
It works with org-refile , my bad. Thanks oantolin!
| 02:59:16 |
karthink | * It works with org-refile too, my bad. Thanks oantolin! | 02:59:32 |
oantolin | Glad it works! (I wasn't sure it did. :) | 03:01:01 |
| Arni! (sick) changed their display name from Arni! to Arni! (sick). | 05:50:30 |
viz |
In reply to
John Wiegley
viz: You could build a command using org-map-entries and org-N-empty-lines-before-current , and add it to your before-save-hook.
I had no Org had already a function like this, thanks! I was thinking of unpackaged BTW: https://github.com/alphapapa/unpackaged.el/?tab=readme-ov-file#ensure-blank-lines-between-headings-and-before-contents | 07:25:20 |
viz | no idea* | 07:25:38 |
| Zandr joined the room. | 14:46:02 |
| World's gone mad joined the room. | 20:55:40 |