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25 Dec 2021
@freshgum-bubbles:halogen.cityfreshgum changed their profile picture.00:33:44
26 Dec 2021
@blast_hardcheese:matrix.orgblast_hardcheese left the room.16:05:01
27 Dec 2021
@szluyufeng-5f3607afd73408ce4fec3198:gitter.imszluyufeng (szluyufeng)Redacted or Malformed Event12:51:17
@szluyufeng-5f3607afd73408ce4fec3198:gitter.imszluyufeng (szluyufeng)Redacted or Malformed Event12:51:25
@szluyufeng-5f3607afd73408ce4fec3198:gitter.imszluyufeng (szluyufeng)Redacted or Malformed Event12:51:31
@szluyufeng-5f3607afd73408ce4fec3198:gitter.imszluyufeng (szluyufeng)Redacted or Malformed Event12:51:58
@szluyufeng-5f3607afd73408ce4fec3198:gitter.imszluyufeng (szluyufeng)Redacted or Malformed Event12:52:04
29 Dec 2021
@jeonsanghoon-61cbe9756da03739848d3815:gitter.imjeonsanghoon (jeonsanghoon) joined the room.04:54:43
@jeonsanghoon-61cbe9756da03739848d3815:gitter.imjeonsanghoon (jeonsanghoon)Redacted or Malformed Event04:54:44
@null395922-5c679007d73408ce4fb7f624:gitter.imnull395922 (null395922) joined the room.06:08:23
@null395922-5c679007d73408ce4fb7f624:gitter.imnull395922 (null395922)Redacted or Malformed Event06:08:23
@inez_mcgregor:matrix.orgInez changed their display name from Inez away to Inez.07:43:29
3 Jan 2022
@tensionhead-5ea69471d73408ce4fe1cf1d:gitter.imtensionhead (tensionhead) joined the room.13:25:19
@tensionhead-5ea69471d73408ce4fe1cf1d:gitter.imtensionhead (tensionhead) is it because of a totally different repo with the same name: https://github.com/MaxStrange/pyboat ? 13:27:04
@madlittlemods-553d437215522ed4b3df8c50:gitter.imMadLittleMods (Eric Eastwood) @tensionhead You're seeing the error because https://github.com/pyboat exists and we reserve URIs for GitHub orgs and users. If you control that org, select it or grant permissions so Gitter can see you have access, https://gitlab.com/gitterHQ/webapp/-/blob/develop/docs/faq.md#why-isnt-my-github-organisation-or-repos-appearing 19:03:50
@madlittlemods-553d437215522ed4b3df8c50:gitter.imMadLittleMods (Eric Eastwood) @tensionhead you can create the tensionhead community first, then create the pyBOATroom in that community 19:04:53
4 Jan 2022
@tensionhead-5ea69471d73408ce4fe1cf1d:gitter.imtensionhead (tensionhead) @MadLittleMods ah thx, and sorry it didn't come to my mind that github.com/pyboat directly exists, it was not shown in my google searches 09:02:32
@tensionhead-5ea69471d73408ce4fe1cf1d:gitter.imtensionhead (tensionhead) this github.com/pyboat is an almost empty and pretty dead org.. probably that's why I couldn't find it with web search 09:04:07
@webketje-5c4c774cd73408ce4fb600ce:gitter.imwebketje (Kevin Van Lierde) Is it possible somehow to view a fuller log of the Gitter activity rail? 19:43:36
@madlittlemods-553d437215522ed4b3df8c50:gitter.imMadLittleMods (Eric Eastwood) @webketje not possible. You can track gitterHQ/webapp#1201 23:14:13
5 Jan 2022
@hello-smile6-5fc308d9d73408ce4ff533b7:gitter.imhello-smile6 (hello-smile6)Redacted or Malformed Event02:44:22
@texadamadntium-61d547746da03739848da653:gitter.imTEXAdamadntium (TEXAdamadntium) joined the room.07:26:37
@webketje-5c4c774cd73408ce4fb600ce:gitter.imwebketje (Kevin Van Lierde) Am I noob, or is the barrier to contributing to Gitter huge? Trying to set up on Linux Mint with OAuth only from Github, I followed all the steps in the README in order (docker up, ./obtain_secrets, source .env, npm start). The "basic" Gitter with the test seed data works, but as soon as any of the env vars from .env are set, I get a bunch of network and other errors 13:47:10
@webketje-5c4c774cd73408ce4fb600ce:gitter.imwebketje (Kevin Van Lierde)

What I don't understand is:

  • what needs to be filled in in each of the github__, github__user__, and github__anonymous_app__ vars (except the latter, which is clear: create new GH app w. secret). Do they all need to be filled in?
  • why gitter webapp throws a Gitlab error when no env var is even set for Gitlab:
    error: TypeError: OAuth2Strategy requires a clientID option
      at Strategy.OAuth2Strategy (~/dev/gitter/webapp/node_modules/passport-oauth2/lib/strategy.js:82:34)
      at new Strategy (~/dev/gitter/webapp/node_modules/passport-gitlab2/lib/strategy.js:49:18)
      at Object.<anonymous> (~/dev/gitter/webapp/server/web/strategies/gitlab.js:42:22)
    Or when working with Oauth locally, do you need to have ALL Oauth providers working to enable testing a single one?

Note: This is my exp after following README instructions, I didn't dive into the code et

@madlittlemods-553d437215522ed4b3df8c50:gitter.imMadLittleMods (Eric Eastwood) @webketje For using thr seed data, you might want to use https://gitlab.com/gitterHQ/webapp/-/issues/2563#workarounds 15:44:48
@madlittlemods-553d437215522ed4b3df8c50:gitter.imMadLittleMods (Eric Eastwood) @webketje But the secret setup is hairy, gitterHQ/webapp#2463 and generally all them are required to br filled in which is a pain 15:46:35
@webketje-5c4c774cd73408ce4fb600ce:gitter.imwebketje (Kevin Van Lierde) @MadLittleMods Especially when you don't have an account on one of them (Twitter).. Not sure this one is required but I won't create a Twitter account just to contribute to Gitter dev. From the looks of the commit history, are you the only maintainer/ dev on this project? 16:18:08
@madlittlemods-553d437215522ed4b3df8c50:gitter.imMadLittleMods (Eric Eastwood) @webketje Yes, sole developer at the moment 16:53:47
@webketje-5c4c774cd73408ce4fb600ce:gitter.imwebketje (Kevin Van Lierde) I made some progress on allowing contributors to test separate OAuth integrations 18:12:44
@webketje-5c4c774cd73408ce4fb600ce:gitter.imwebketje (Kevin Van Lierde) * I made some progress on allowing contributors to test separate OAuth integrations locally 18:12:52

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