
OSM-FR Questions légales

359 Members
6 Servers

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8 May 2024
@adlp:adlp.org@adlp:adlp.org left the room.12:13:12
18 May 2024
@mathieuthouvenel:matrix.orgmathieu joined the room.16:48:21
11 Jul 2024
@cayenne17:matrix.orgCayenne17 (Niort 79) cquest: Je ne sais pas si tu as vu mon commentaire sur un ticket manque attributions ?
@adrien_hegy:matrix.orgAdrien Hegy joined the room.20:01:39
16 Jul 2024
@marius851000:mariusdavid.frMarius changed their display name from Burrito (Marius) to Marius.12:20:16
20 Jul 2024
@cayenne17:matrix.orgCayenne17 (Niort 79) changed their display name from Cayenne17 (Niort 79) to "Cayenne17 (Niort 79)".10:04:27
@cayenne17:matrix.orgCayenne17 (Niort 79) changed their display name from "Cayenne17 (Niort 79)" to Cayenne17 (Niort 79).10:04:46
7 Sep 2024
@r3mi_:matrix.orgr3mi_ joined the room.16:57:26

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