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26 Jul 2024
@gusted:matrix.orggustedIt's a mind boggling problem.13:16:18
@viceice:matrix.orgMichael Kriesehaven't seen it on my $job forgejo instance yet.13:21:14
@bramh:matrix.orgBramHow should I go about contributing slightly bigger changes than I've been doing currently? Can I just take the initiative, create a PR and see if people agree or should I create an issue and discuss what I'd be changing first?13:59:27
@thefox0x7:ionstealth.euthefox0x7I think an issue should be first if it's a bigger change14:01:19
@thefox0x7:ionstealth.euthefox0x7But that really depends on the change :D14:01:30
@bramh:matrix.orgBram"bigger" being relative to my previous contributions of course, which were not very big. Context for this is the issue/pr popup that has been bothering me for a while because it's so inconsistent, both in functionality and implementation14:02:03
@thefox0x7:ionstealth.euthefox0x7 for example testifylint is a big change but I would open an issue for enable testifylint in CI 14:02:06
@gusted:matrix.orggusted If it has been discussed a bit e.g. as a feature request it's usually fine to take the initiative and take a somewhat approved approach. 14:02:17
In reply to @bramh:matrix.org
"bigger" being relative to my previous contributions of course, which were not very big. Context for this is the issue/pr popup that has been bothering me for a while because it's so inconsistent, both in functionality and implementation
https://matrix.to/#/#forgejo-ui:matrix.org would like to talk with you :)

text for this is the issue/pr popup that has been bothering me for a while because it's so inconsistent, both in functionality and implementation

That sounds like user research topic :)

@bramh:matrix.orgBramI would like to do something similar to this https://codeberg.org/forgejo/forgejo/pulls/4542 while also adding some extra functionality. Worthy of a discussion first?14:03:46
@bramh:matrix.orgBram * I would like to do something similar to this https://codeberg.org/forgejo/forgejo/pulls/4542 while also adding some extra functionality (translating the strings in the popup would be a good start...). Worthy of a discussion first?14:04:21
@gusted:matrix.orggustedConversion to HTMX not (purely technical change which is already "approved"), but any change in functionality would be fine to have a discussion first, unless it's currently quite broken.14:04:53
@bramh:matrix.orgBramThat clears it up for me, thanks. 14:07:32
@earl-warren:matrix.orgEarl Warren Michael Kriese: massively re-using tests/integration/doctor_packages_nuget_test.go for the doctor command fixing the leak 🙏 15:03:45
@thefox0x7:ionstealth.euthefox0x7I have news, I'll start with the bad: It works badly. And now the good: I got the mermaid diagrams to render client side in docs18:14:41
@thefox0x7:ionstealth.euthefox0x7Some background - having to pull browser is a ridiculous requirement for plotting a diagram or two so I looked for some alternatives. It would be nice if the image was at least a bit interactive because you really don't see a lot on it right now. So a zoom function would be nice :)18:17:05
Download image.png
@thefox0x7:ionstealth.euthefox0x7base (prerendered) diagram18:17:33
@thefox0x7:ionstealth.euthefox0x7I found a plugin which adds zoom to images but it doesn't do a good job in this case. But it's great for all other images :D18:18:55
@thefox0x7:ionstealth.euthefox0x7So I figured out that I might as well get the js to do the rendering - at least it would provide some controls for zooming and panning... right? Mermaid live editor does that...18:19:53
@thefox0x7:ionstealth.euthefox0x7*I was wrong18:20:07
@thefox0x7:ionstealth.euthefox0x7 * I was wrong 18:20:09
@thefox0x7:ionstealth.euthefox0x7it just renders svgs. Same as the playwright plugin would.18:20:32
@thefox0x7:ionstealth.euthefox0x7 sighs 18:21:02
@thefox0x7:ionstealth.euthefox0x7In retrospect I have no idea why I expected something else..18:21:49
@gusted:matrix.orggustedhttps://github.com/tex0l/astro-pintora There's this18:22:14
@thefox0x7:ionstealth.euthefox0x7I mean to process the mermaid I have rehype plugin anyway. So I might as well just turn the svg/png render with firefox18:25:33
@thefox0x7:ionstealth.euthefox0x7But that was an... interesting journey... for basically learning that mermaid (IMO) made about 40% of basic functionality in the package.18:26:44
@thefox0x7:ionstealth.euthefox0x7oh. Oh... I now know how the pngs are made in the plugin... it's a screenshot.18:35:16

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