
Forgejo Development

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17 Dec 2022
@otto_richter:matrix.tu-berlin.deOtto RichterMy approach is then less efficient, because it does unnecessay work.11:37:19
@dachary:matrix.orgdachary.orgRight. Will you add the script to your PR or should I?11:37:34
@otto_richter:matrix.tu-berlin.deOtto RichterThe three lines I used is in the issue comment thread11:37:56
@dachary:matrix.orgdachary.orgYes, that three lines.11:38:08
@otto_richter:matrix.tu-berlin.deOtto RichterYes, I can have another look, but don't want to be a blocker11:38:25
@otto_richter:matrix.tu-berlin.deOtto Richterso if someone needs this to work, please merge and I'll add this later.11:38:56
@dachary:matrix.orgdachary.orgOk. Then I'll merge your PR and add a script to create the files using the same substitution you listed so it is fully automated and does not require additional manual maintenance.11:40:07
@dachary:matrix.orgdachary.org Otto Richter: you noticed already but I confirm that I'm extremely careful when it comes to technical debt. I've seen so many Free Software projects drowning themselves in debt within days of launching. And then slowly burning out as people can't keep up over time and get frustrated that everything seems to slow down because the available workforce can't keep up. 11:50:44
@dachary:matrix.orgdachary.org a test release is available with the latest Gitea v1.18 branch and Forgejo release pipeline for testing at https://codeberg.org/dachary/-/packages/container/forgejo/10.0 (amd64, arm64) and https://codeberg.org/dachary/forgejo/releases/tag/v10.0.2-0 (amd64, arm64, arm-6) 12:28:09
@dachary:matrix.orgdachary.org I'll keep rebasing, moving on to the forgejo-development branch 12:28:52
@dachary:matrix.orgdachary.orgDone, waiting on the CI results https://forgejo-woodpecker.gna.org/forgejo/forgejo/pipeline/3613:41:42
@0x4a6f:matrix.org[0x4A6F] joined the room.14:41:10
@dachary:matrix.orgdachary.orgrebasing against the latest Gitea complete, moving on to adding a script to https://codeberg.org/forgejo/forgejo/pulls/110/commits14:45:20
In reply to @dachary:matrix.org
I assume that's for the purpose of replacing strings that are in the translated files in the landing page? In any case I'll propose a script to do that at generation time automatically since that's what has been done anyway and does not require manual maintenance.
No, that's replacing the logo. But it needs rebasing now. I'll do that later.
@dachary:matrix.orgdachary.org you can git fetch --all ; git reset --hard forgejo-development ; git cherry-pick 9c816215c9e6d550d154ca1b7aaa374d03688d44. Having a single commit makes it easy. 17:01:05
@caesar:schinas.netCaesarYup, I'll do that shortly17:01:57
@dachary:matrix.orgdachary.orgSorry if that's obvious, I'm never quite sure how well understood git is.17:02:20
@dachary:matrix.orgdachary.org * you can git fetch --all ; git reset --hard origin/forgejo-development ; git cherry-pick 9c816215c9e6d550d154ca1b7aaa374d03688d44. Having a single commit makes it easy. 17:02:40
@caesar:schinas.netCaesarIt's what I was doing to do, but it's a workflow most people aren't familiar with so it's always good to have confirmation.17:04:39
In reply to @caesar:schinas.net
No, that's replacing the logo. But it needs rebasing now. I'll do that later.
Could you explain how https://codeberg.org/forgejo/forgejo/pulls/110 helps replacing the logo? I may be missing something.
In reply to @dachary:matrix.org
Could you explain how https://codeberg.org/forgejo/forgejo/pulls/110 helps replacing the logo? I may be missing something.
I doesn't. Your message I was replying to quoted my link to https://codeberg.org/forgejo/forgejo/pulls/130, not #110 😅
@dachary:matrix.orgdachary.orgoh, my bad18:23:13
In reply to @caesar:schinas.net
Is there any way we can "temporarily" merge https://codeberg.org/forgejo/forgejo/issues/110 or something similar, even if we change our approach later?
This is necessary for translations displayed in the landing page to show Forgejo instead of Gitea, am I right this time?
@dachary:matrix.orgdachary.orggood, sorry for the mixup: it was better in my head 😄18:25:46
@caesar:schinas.netCaesarI think your script-based approach there looks good as a short-term solution until we have our own i18n setup18:26:13
@dachary:matrix.orgdachary.organd a l10n team to go with it, which will take a while I'm afraid19:49:29
@dachary:matrix.orgdachary.org https://forgejo-woodpecker.gna.org/dachary/forgejo/pipeline/122 is building forgejo-branding with the logo 19:49:54
@dachary:matrix.orgdachary.org Caesar: Is there anything I can do to help with the Forgejon landing page? 19:51:39
@dachary:matrix.orgdachary.orgthat was one of the first issues in the repository https://codeberg.org/forgejo/forgejo/issues/320:01:43

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