
Antifa lefty infighting

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11 Dec 2023
In reply to @proxima_centaury:matrix.org
lifestyle anarchism is aesthetics without substance
Ancaps get that a lot too. We sure have ours (cough, agorists). Selling drugs is not 'anarchism'
In reply to @proxima_centaury:matrix.org
A fan of Jreg ?
Ehhh. No self respecting extremist doesn't like or watch him at some point
@proxima_centaury:matrix.orgProxima_Centaury (apache/helicopter)He's got creativity that's for sure 15:56:03
@proxima_centaury:matrix.orgProxima_Centaury (apache/helicopter)But his understanding of ideologies goes knee deep 15:56:31
@proxima_centaury:matrix.orgProxima_Centaury (apache/helicopter)More often than not15:56:47
@spongy_cabbage:matrix.orgspongy_cabbageI mean that my ideology is a mutt. I read mises u articles and academic Austrian economics, but still go on telegram to shitpost because of the jews15:57:19
@proxima_centaury:matrix.orgProxima_Centaury (apache/helicopter)
In reply to @spongy_cabbage:matrix.org
You are right. Volunatarists are becoming free market nazis. I prefer a constitutionalist feudalism myself.
A subset of it or ?
In reply to @proxima_centaury:matrix.org
A subset of it or ?
Nazis are generally ex leftists or their economical are no different from modern EU policies. (Which all copy hitler's)
@spongy_cabbage:matrix.orgspongy_cabbageAbout a third are still hardcore leftists, even if they won't admit it. But a good third are ancaps who pipelined. This has accelerated after Gaza 15:59:34
@spongy_cabbage:matrix.orgspongy_cabbage* In reply to @proxima_centaury:matrix.org A subset of it or ? Nazis are generally ex leftists or their economics are no different from modern EU policies. (Which all copy hitler's)16:00:18
@spongy_cabbage:matrix.orgspongy_cabbageEven nazis have left and right wings. The rest are somewhere in between, but it seems they become more moderate the more right-wing they are. Some of the centrists are really, really, war hawkish, though. The general position for leftwing and centrists is total genocide and world conquest. Some are just being 'ironic,' though. The nazi right wing are mostly just more extreme nationalists who would pay to repatriate non-whites. Henry Ford is well regarded in general. He wanted to end the federal reserve and income taxes but blamed the jews. This wing of the movement would definitely revolt if given the opportunity, but they would also like to just secede with a small territory and grow diplomatically. 16:07:18
@spongy_cabbage:matrix.orgspongy_cabbageOverall, NS is growing very rapidly. There are easily over 100,000 and a few million deep conservative nationalists, but the most radical wing always prevails in a revolution. Looking back, I think that Gaza will be the turning point for most people. Everyone puts up with casual antisemitism now. Up to 25% of Americans believe the holocaust narrative is largely false. The only real barrier is getting them to be racist or on my end to understand economics. Memes have been highly effective at this. See how everyone in rightwing circles regurgitates free market anti-fed talking points, and Javier Millei got elected with a majority in socalist Argentina. Racism is really easy. NS arguments are already strong, but the memes spread like wildfire. You would only know if you've been exposed. A quick example is 13/60. I myself got rabittholed because I found the absurdity of someone posting 20,000 repetitions of 'n*gger' on 4chan funny, which fit my absurdist humor at the time. 16:14:39
@spongy_cabbage:matrix.orgspongy_cabbageThe future looks white16:14:50
12 Dec 2023
@igel:matrix.org@igel:matrix.org joined the room.19:53:58
@igel:matrix.org@igel:matrix.orghey fuck you spongy19:57:43
@igel:matrix.org@igel:matrix.org * hey fuck you spongy 👍️19:57:48
@igel:matrix.org@igel:matrix.org left the room.20:02:28
14 Dec 2023
@proxima_centaury:matrix.orgProxima_Centaury (apache/helicopter) First and foremost spongy_cabbage 04:16:59
@proxima_centaury:matrix.orgProxima_Centaury (apache/helicopter)Splinting political ideologies into two camps is ridiculous and has always been as such 04:18:02
@proxima_centaury:matrix.orgProxima_Centaury (apache/helicopter)There is no "left" and "right"04:18:25
@proxima_centaury:matrix.orgProxima_Centaury (apache/helicopter)Even a two dimensional plane is overly simplistic 04:18:45
@proxima_centaury:matrix.orgProxima_Centaury (apache/helicopter)Secondly 04:18:50
@proxima_centaury:matrix.orgProxima_Centaury (apache/helicopter)I would like to see where you got those statistics from , for the sake of having a data based discussion 04:19:54
@proxima_centaury:matrix.orgProxima_Centaury (apache/helicopter)In my third and final point no , modern eu policies have nothing to do with hitler's 04:20:43
@proxima_centaury:matrix.orgProxima_Centaury (apache/helicopter)As a man that has lived all his life in europe I think I know a knack or two about the subject 04:21:09
@proxima_centaury:matrix.orgProxima_Centaury (apache/helicopter)They are neoliberal and social democracy policies mostly 04:21:32
@proxima_centaury:matrix.orgProxima_Centaury (apache/helicopter)I would also like to see one of the so called strong ns arguments 04:27:50
15 Dec 2023
@proxima_centaury:matrix.orgProxima_Centaury (apache/helicopter)https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=nzGcQgmOXpE04:14:51
17 Dec 2023
@darkarq:matrix.org@darkarq:matrix.org joined the room.07:21:28
@darkarq:matrix.org@darkarq:matrix.org left the room.07:42:53

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