
Techlore - Security & Privacy

5253 Members
Spreading privacy and security to the masses. This is our main on-topic privacy and security room. Join a more casual chat at #techlore-chat:matrix.org. Want to explore even more rooms? Open the Matrix room explorer and add "techlore.net" to the server dropdown! Techlore Website: https://techlore.tech Techlore on Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#techlore:techlore.net By joining this room, you agree to our rules: https://github.com/techlore/channel-content/blob/master/community-rules.md460 Servers

9929 users have interacted with this room.
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MXIDAvatarDisplay NamePower Level
@zaydkhattabi:matrix.org@zaydkhattabi:matrix.org"BOMBTARD" AS A WISE MAN ONCE SAID(zayd)User(0)
@-noname-:fairydust.space@-noname-:fairydust.space- No Name -User(0)