
Techlore - Security & Privacy

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Spreading privacy and security to the masses. This is our main on-topic privacy and security room. Join a more casual chat at #techlore-chat:matrix.org. Want to explore even more rooms? Open the Matrix room explorer and add "techlore.net" to the server dropdown! Techlore Website: https://techlore.tech Techlore on Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#techlore:techlore.net By joining this room, you agree to our rules: https://github.com/techlore/channel-content/blob/master/community-rules.md461 Servers

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31 Dec 2021
@_discord_812572124921331716:t2bot.ioSteelTrainer joined the room.04:08:04
@_discord_382005965635190785:t2bot.ioBlink#6798 joined the room.04:10:11
@_discord_382005965635190785:t2bot.ioBlink#6798 changed their display name from Blink to Blink#6798.04:10:11
@_discord_382005965635190785:t2bot.ioBlink#6798 whats the general consesus for privacy folks when it comes to game consoles 04:10:11
@beyiyaf450:matrix.org@beyiyaf450:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event04:11:10
@_discord_382005965635190785:t2bot.ioBlink#6798 its kinda funny a switch requires me to make an account to update the system in order to play a physical cartridge 04:11:14
@beyiyaf450:matrix.org@beyiyaf450:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event04:12:17
@_discord_382005965635190785:t2bot.ioBlink#6798 really? it tries to put me in the eshop thing to download stuff 04:13:22
@beyiyaf450:matrix.org@beyiyaf450:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event04:16:15
@beyiyaf450:matrix.org@beyiyaf450:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event04:16:30
@_discord_894730109293064212:t2bot.ioWilly04 I believe for the eShop you need an account, for other stuff you dont, not sure so correct me if im wrong 04:27:24
@nines2b.042:matrix.org@nines2b.042:matrix.org joined the room.04:29:29
@fiveseven:matrix.orgDale Gribble
In reply to @_discord_382005965635190785:t2bot.io
its kinda funny a switch requires me to make an account to update the system in order to play a physical cartridge
not online it doesn't
@pointifurry:matrix.orgPointify joined the room.04:43:43
@fiveseven:matrix.orgDale Gribblemy switch has never been online04:43:46
@fiveseven:matrix.orgDale Gribbleand games that need an update come with it on the cart and ask to install it first04:44:02
@_discord_382005965635190785:t2bot.ioBlink#6798 aight, I looked further into it
It seems it was for DLC and that nintendo online membership thing
I can play the game offline now
@elegantwhales:matrix.orgelegant whales joined the room.04:55:09
@goatee:matrix.orggoatee joined the room.04:58:31
@beyiyaf450:matrix.org@beyiyaf450:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event05:01:56
@plate:envs.netplatesponsorblock yes05:02:11
@plate:envs.netplatei don't know about the other05:02:17
@theprivateone:matrix.org@theprivateone:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event05:02:45
@v1369.:matrix.orgv1369. joined the room.05:22:58
@ques0:matrix.org@ques0:matrix.org joined the room.05:38:29
@theprivateone:matrix.org@theprivateone:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event05:49:36
@yl53:matrix.orgyl53 joined the room.06:02:41
@vachan-maker:matrix.orgvachan-makerI use https://12ft.io/ to bypass paywalls.06:04:39
@vachan-maker:matrix.orgvachan-makerIt works okay06:04:43

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