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27 Jul 2024
@ravfx:xmr.mxRavFXin 50 years my Keisan will be worth millions. Wen kyun marketplace (to sell our vps to other people)?01:58:59
@telegram_5101921576:kyun.hostCalin iHostART (Telegram)
In reply to @ravfx:xmr.mx
in 50 years my Keisan will be worth millions.
Wen kyun marketplace (to sell our vps to other people)?
investment money in kyun , invest money in future!
@gunter:kyun.hostGünterEVERYONE, quickly sell your Kyun VM's02:00:04
@gunter:kyun.hostGünterI need Kyun to become unprofitable02:00:11
@telegram_7140557294:kyun.hostigna (Telegram)hey calin hows the CMS02:00:12
@gunter:kyun.hostGünterSo I can make an offer02:00:16
@xxxrandomnamexxx:matrix.orgxxxrandomnamexxxtank the stock price!!02:00:20
@telegram_5101921576:kyun.hostCalin iHostART (Telegram)
In reply to igna (Telegram)
hey calin hows the CMS
cms? what you mean?
In reply to @xxxrandomnamexxx:matrix.org
tank the stock price!!
@telegram_7140557294:kyun.hostigna (Telegram)
In reply to Calin iHostART (Telegram)
cms? what you mean?
le media thing u were doing
@telegram_5101921576:kyun.hostCalin iHostART (Telegram)for now stopped02:00:42
@telegram_5101921576:kyun.hostCalin iHostART (Telegram)but we work at a proxy cdn similar as cloudflare02:00:51
@telegram_5101921576:kyun.hostCalin iHostART (Telegram)and a vpn produc02:00:55
@telegram_7140557294:kyun.hostigna (Telegram)
In reply to Calin iHostART (Telegram)
but we work at a proxy cdn similar as cloudflare
how itll be named
In reply to @telegram_5101921576:kyun.host
investment money in kyun , invest money in future!
Kyun 1000% YTD returns
Download image.png
@gunter:kyun.hostGünterKyun isn't even at an all time high02:02:01
Download image.png
@gunter:kyun.hostGünterTime to buy up some $KYUN stonks02:02:10
@ravfx:xmr.mxRavFXI want kyun to beat my russians02:02:16
@gunter:kyun.hostGünter naphtha (Telegram): I'll give you 20 XMR for 10 $KYUN 02:02:47
In reply to @ravfx:xmr.mx
I want kyun to beat my russians
Okay, Baal start the DDoS
In reply to @gunter:kyun.host
Okay, Baal start the DDoS
Go ddos Selectel yeah!
Have fun
In reply to @ravfx:xmr.mx
Go ddos Selectel yeah!
Have fun
Huh, you think this is some game
@gunter:kyun.hostGünterLike you can just fuck with the Kyun Killa Klan02:04:27
@gunter:kyun.hostGünterWell think again bozo02:04:31
@gunter:kyun.hostGünterWe'll just take down the fucking internet02:04:44
@ravfx:xmr.mxRavFXnaa, it's no game, I need Kyun to be rock stable02:04:46
@gunter:kyun.hostGünterThe nukes are already headed towards ICANN and cloudlfare02:04:52

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