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17 Oct 2023
@_discord_425055954237784068:t2bot.io.leahlux#0 changed their display name from Leah Lux to .leahlux#0.03:40:22
@_discord_425055954237784068:t2bot.io.leahlux#0 changed their profile picture.03:40:27
In reply to @_discord_267830497701396480:t2bot.io
My plan is to later this month create a stats page which shows real time information about how many words are in the dictionary, word class, and how many words come from which languages.
@_discord_1135065467048972379:t2bot.iomikem0334 changed their display name from mikem0334 to mikem0334#0.18:41:34
@_discord_1135065467048972379:t2bot.iomikem0334 changed their display name from mikem0334#0 to mikem0334.18:41:39
@_discord_754169419881775285:t2bot.ioSwolhili Juxtaposition changed their display name from jorge_baboy#0 to Swolhili Juxtaposition.22:14:27
18 Oct 2023
@_discord_95964553325613056:t2bot.ioVanege#7251 changed their display name from vanege to vanege#0.09:25:53
@_discord_95964553325613056:t2bot.ioVanege#7251 changed their display name from vanege#0 to vanege.09:26:01
20 Oct 2023
@_discord_605248001790705664:t2bot.ioEktor#8929 14:01:52
@_discord_605248001790705664:t2bot.ioEktor#8929 14:01:56
@_discord_605248001790705664:t2bot.ioEktor#8929 Yes, vocab lists are getting long, so just list clickable vocab tags. Thanks! 14:01:58
@_discord_610155571072466944:t2bot.io𐑞𐑪𐑯 𐑥𐑱𐑪𐑯𐑧𐑟𐑨 18:26:59
@_discord_610155571072466944:t2bot.io𐑞𐑪𐑯 𐑥𐑱𐑪𐑯𐑧𐑟𐑨 changed their profile picture.18:27:08
@_discord_610155571072466944:t2bot.io𐑞𐑪𐑯 𐑥𐑱𐑪𐑯𐑧𐑟𐑨 18:27:13
@_discord_229407329374699521:t2bot.ioGunther 20:19:17
@_discord_229407329374699521:t2bot.ioGunther 20:19:24
21 Oct 2023
@_discord_1030259336515174412:t2bot.iojan_emikili 22:33:04
@_discord_509107658150772736:t2bot.iowyatt (cranque)#9420 changed their display name from cranque9420#0 to good old hillbilly.22:50:47
22 Oct 2023
@_discord_670770898109988875:t2bot.iospoinknpop changed their profile picture.01:05:19
@_discord_951409236653531176:t2bot.ioworasik 06:16:13
@_discord_697862438699139164:t2bot.ioJan Vit joined the room.14:58:14
23 Oct 2023
@_discord_923723525632708608:t2bot.ioerjish_7713 changed their display name from erjish_7713#0 to erjish_7713.00:23:19
@_discord_570398187752521728:t2bot.io3603600 joined the room.13:11:14
@_discord_405094530573008897:t2bot.iomundialecter changed their display name from mundialecter#0 to mundialecter.19:21:48
24 Oct 2023
@_discord_837712460748029962:t2bot.iochabi_1922 07:40:45
@_discord_837712460748029962:t2bot.iochabi_1922 13:01:25
@_discord_677652854835642378:t2bot.io.sen_mik joined the room.15:26:47
@_discord_267830497701396480:t2bot.ioshawndroid I have not done the poetical/rhyming dictionary. I had to revamp the entire backend. But now that task is completed. So I need to make the website work with the new data files. That should be fairly easy. So, it will be several more months before I can get to it. But, hopefully not too far in to the future. I'd love to have that done in January. It's pretty quick to do, I think. 19:10:45
@_discord_267830497701396480:t2bot.ioshawndroid At least, some of the more basic types of rhymes are. 19:13:43
25 Oct 2023
@_discord_267830497701396480:t2bot.ioshawndroid Today, I've rolled out the vocabulary / word tags upgrade to API2. I took this time to update the look a little bit. So the main vocab page use to show all vocabulary lists, with all their words. Clicking the title brought you to just that vocab list. Now, the main vocab page just shows the names of all vocab lists, with a badge for how many words are in that list, as well as the English translation of the vocab list name. 12:38:02

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