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Auxiliary Language https://www.globasa.net/eng8 Servers

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25 Oct 2023
@_discord_267830497701396480:t2bot.ioshawndroid https://menalari.globasa.net/eng/lexilari 12:38:04
@_discord_267830497701396480:t2bot.ioshawndroid Clicking on the list name will still show all the words on the list. 12:38:27
@_discord_267830497701396480:t2bot.ioshawndroid I would like to revisit this in a several months to do things like multiple columns and make it look even better. 12:48:29
27 Oct 2023
@_discord_1048761453764694147:t2bot.ioJitasama 06:30:43
28 Oct 2023
@_discord_267830497701396480:t2bot.ioshawndroid This week I've updated the under the good parts of the 'random word' function, the entry listing function, and the alphabetical dictionary list. These pages should load a few microseconds faster... so not anything you will notice! This is on top of the vocab list I did the other day. Still to go is: search, then the admin tools. 02:58:08
@_discord_631968426319020032:t2bot.ioaldo0341 Ooh! Microseconds! 03:56:59
@_discord_406841852235350016:t2bot.iotom1081 Yes, but when you're not looking and enough microseconds pile up suddenly you have milliseconds!
Stay sharp coder cadets!
@_discord_267830497701396480:t2bot.ioshawndroid I haven't looked in to it. Might be milliseconds. But I didn't want to over promise. 18:16:09
30 Oct 2023
@_discord_267830497701396480:t2bot.ioshawndroid Over the weekend, I revamped the way the translation entries look. The most major change is the way the etymology is shown. It's now a lot easier to see scan language names and see the example text.
@_discord_406841852235350016:t2bot.iotom1081 It looks neat and easy on the eye.
Good work!
@_discord_837712460748029962:t2bot.iochabi_1922 changed their profile picture.19:33:34
@_discord_1048761453764694147:t2bot.ioJitasama set a profile picture.22:21:18
1 Nov 2023
@_discord_123325605490982913:t2bot.ioFredi Hox Halowin tas moyte! Mi xa ruata nerxali. 🎃 👻 😱 🍫 04:24:55
@_discord_123325605490982913:t2bot.ioFredi changed their display name from Blade Genexis#9702 to Fredi.04:24:57
@_discord_461497140880080897:t2bot.ioAntoine Jamelot#6603 changed their profile picture.06:35:29
@_discord_274471115143774209:t2bot.ioefund joined the room.10:49:47
@_discord_903402600752349204:t2bot.ioMfumu changed their profile picture.12:20:07
@_discord_123325605490982913:t2bot.ioFredi *yam? - Mi suki Jolly Ranchers. 13:45:30
In reply to @_discord_123325605490982913:t2bot.io
Hox Halowin tas moyte! Mi xa ruata nerxali. 🎃 👻 😱 🍫
Kam yu yongu tahta cel ren na komunika ton xabahu?
2 Nov 2023
@_discord_176844629285535744:t2bot.iotetsusquared joined the room.07:28:42
3 Nov 2023
@_discord_1135065467048972379:t2bot.iomikem0334 I am trying to find the Globasa word for departure as a noun (The departure of his train...). The menalari does not have a word for it. Awidi is listed as being a noun and a verb for "depart, leave, go away", is it possible to use awidi for the English word, departure? Thanks for any help! 15:54:39
@_discord_631968426319020032:t2bot.ioaldo0341 I think awidi works. 16:34:32
@_discord_1135065467048972379:t2bot.iomikem0334 Xukra aldo0341 Gunther 16:41:19
@_discord_631968426319020032:t2bot.ioaldo0341 Are you working on something? 17:27:18
@_discord_95964553325613056:t2bot.iovanege I wish the dictionary had examples with sentences anytime an English word has several translations. 19:00:06
@_discord_229407329374699521:t2bot.ioGunther dao I think of as "travel (along a path), go someway"
turi is more like "travel/tour (around), go on a trip"

anda is the act of moving oneself by foot
sampo is to go out for a walk, such as with a dog

All four function as both nouns and verbs
@_discord_1135065467048972379:t2bot.iomikem0334 Thanks for the clarification Gunther! I would agree with Vanege that a few sample phrases would help know when to use certain Globasa words in situations like this. I sometimes have to consult Glosbe to look for reference sentences. 19:04:41
@_discord_319586021404573707:t2bot.iopanduniaguru changed their display name from panduniaguru#0 to panduniaguru.21:49:07
@_discord_1030259336515174412:t2bot.iojan_emikili Never 23:23:32
4 Nov 2023
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