
cylc web architecture

13 Members
architecture supporting the new Cylc web GUI1 Servers

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29 Aug 2019
@kinow:matrix.org@kinow:matrix.orgI check their channel every week. I feel like 90% of the questions there are about Kubernetes 😕07:50:07
30 Sep 2019
@zoejr:matrix.org@zoejr:matrix.org joined the room.00:01:46
@zoejr:matrix.org@zoejr:matrix.org left the room.00:02:15
9 Oct 2019
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sanders invited @melhall:matrix.orgmelhall.08:18:30
17 Oct 2019
@melhall:matrix.orgmelhall joined the room.13:52:14
24 Oct 2019
@melhall:matrix.orgmelhall set a profile picture.08:33:09
20 Dec 2019
@dwsutherland:matrix.orgDavid SutherlandRedacted or Malformed Event00:20:09
@dwsutherland:matrix.orgDavid Sutherland * .00:23:37
3 Jan 2020
@davidmatthews:matrix.orgDavid MatthewsHad a play getting Jupyterhub authenticating with Azure AD today. Had a few issues but I think it's working now. Hopefully we can use this for our site installation.20:02:14
@davidmatthews:matrix.orgDavid MatthewsStill a bit unsure what problems we might hit trying to allow access to other users UIS.20:04:09
@davidmatthews:matrix.orgDavid MatthewsAlso not sure how we're going to scale this to support lots of users (can we distribute UISs over multiple servers securely?)20:05:52
@davidmatthews:matrix.orgDavid MatthewsSomething for the workshop agenda?20:07:20
@kinow:matrix.org@kinow:matrix.orgWe might be able to use something from jupyterhub docs on how to scale.23:37:18
5 Jan 2020
@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary Oliver
In reply to @davidmatthews:matrix.org
Still a bit unsure what problems we might hit trying to allow access to other users UIS.
Yes we haven't really investigated this yet, beyond being reasonably confident that it is feasible.
@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary Oliver
In reply to @davidmatthews:matrix.org
Also not sure how we're going to scale this to support lots of users (can we distribute UISs over multiple servers securely?)
Do you mean lots of users running their own workflows, or lots of users looking at the same (e.g.) operational worflows?
@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary OliverThe former is naturally distributed (own UIS runs on own user acccount) - should not be a problem?19:36:14
@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary OliverThe latter might be problem (one UIS serving e.g. 100 users)? But in the first instance we can easily limit the number of connections and at least prevent it causing performance issues.19:37:00
@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary OliverBut yes, something to talk about in the workshop.19:37:32
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sanders
Do you mean lots of users running their own workflows, or lots of users looking at the same (e.g.) operational worflows?
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sandersThis kind of scaling would require an additional reverse proxy for load balancing between UIServers, potentially possible but horizontal scaling is not as yet a feature of the new architecture.20:21:13
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sandersOther than potentially redundancy I wouldn't imagine we would ever need to scale beyond the capability of one tornado server though.20:22:25
@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary OliverYou mean the second kind of scaling, right? (there's two kinds in that sentence)20:22:31
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sanders(horizontal scaling i.e. more servers doing the same thing)20:22:59
@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary OliverYes, which would only be needed for many users looking at the same workflows.20:23:34
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sandersYep, though I don't think we are ever likely to hit a sufficient level of usage for that to be a problem.20:24:27
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sanderse.g. Cylc Review does just fine with one server running for many accounts.20:25:29
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sanders(under cherrypy)20:25:44
@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary OliverSo I think we don20:37:14
@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary Oliver...20:37:17
@revilo666:matrix.orgHilary Oliver...'t need to worry abut this now. If it becomes a problem in the future, we can address it then.20:37:52

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