
cylc web architecture

13 Members
architecture supporting the new Cylc web GUI1 Servers

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5 Jan 2020
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sandersTornado claims to scale to 10's of thousands of open connections and of course does so asynchronously (via epoll). Tornado supports vertical scaling via multiprocessing also.21:19:57
6 Jan 2020
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sanders HTTPS & jupyterhub has broken down on my machine (perhaps after patching), I'm using a local SSL cert generated by openssl and have added the certificate to by web browser authorities list but having issues with Firefox & Opera (haven't tried others yet). I can access the hub via but still have to "accept the risk and continue". 01:31:20
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sandersOnce authenticated Opera takes me through to the dashboard, and the UI loads, however, there is no data and this error in the console:01:32:01
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sandersallowInsecureFromHTTPS01:32:02
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sanders * client.js:427 WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: Connection closed before receiving a handshake response01:32:18
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sandersOnce authenticated Firefox displays a blank page with this error in the console:01:33:08
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sandersSecurityError: The operation is insecure.01:33:09
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sanders(which may be related to default behaviour of firefox blocking https+ws https://stackoverflow.com/a/12042843)01:34:30
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sandersHas anyone had to configure their browsers in any special way to get past issues like this?01:35:03
@kinow:matrix.org@kinow:matrix.orgHaven't used HTTPS & jupyterhub yet.01:35:48
@kinow:matrix.org@kinow:matrix.orgI wonder if it's not something in the way we are using graphql-ws01:36:51
@kinow:matrix.org@kinow:matrix.org(might be missing some parameter to support ssl)01:37:00
@kinow:matrix.org@kinow:matrix.org * (might be missing some parameter to support ssl?)01:37:15
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sanders(setting allowInsecureFromHTTPS=true in Firefox gets the same behaviour as Opera001:37:27
@kinow:matrix.org@kinow:matrix.org * (might be missing some parameter to support ssl? or we need to tell it to use wss)01:37:30
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sanders * (setting allowInsecureFromHTTPS=true in Firefox gets the same behaviour as Opera)01:37:32
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sanders
In reply to @kinow:matrix.org
(might be missing some parameter to support ssl? or we need to tell it to use wss)
May well need https+wss
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sanders
In reply to @kinow:matrix.org
(might be missing some parameter to support ssl? or we need to tell it to use wss)
* May well need https+wss or for insecure http+ws but not https+ws.
@kinow:matrix.org@kinow:matrix.orgYup. Good that you found out about it now, so we can start working on a fix/docs.01:52:30
@kinow:matrix.org@kinow:matrix.orgAre you creating an issue in Cylc UI for that? If not I can create one and point that the fix is probably related to graphql-ws and/or apolloclient01:53:22
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sandersHave put up and issue, feel free to edit.01:59:32
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sandersHave used https a little, worked ok, persumably until websockets.02:00:54
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sandersjupyterhub has got itself stuck in a login re-direct loop when using http on my machine02:01:19
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sanders * jupyterhub has got itself stuck in a login re-direct loop when using http on my machine (hence desperately trying to get https+ws working)02:01:50
@kinow:matrix.org@kinow:matrix.org I think I had a redirect issue once, and I think what solved was to kill everything (including the node process for the proxy) and delete the juypytehub.sqlite DB 02:02:44
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sandersBeen there :(02:07:23
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sandersGood to know someone else has run into it though.02:09:40
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sandersThis is the repeating section from the jupyterhub log02:10:11
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sanders
[base:663] User logged in: sanderso
[log:174] 302 POST /hub/login?next=%2Fhub%2Fspawn -> /hub/spawn (sanderso@::ffff: 136.49ms
[log:174] 302 GET /hub/spawn -> /hub/login?next=%2Fhub%2Fspawn (@::ffff: 0.59ms
[log:174] 200 GET /hub/login?next=%2Fhub%2Fspawn (@::ffff: 1.36ms
@oliver-sanders2:matrix.orgoliver sandersmight try a reboot02:10:31

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