
FOSS Community, GEC

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17 Apr 2019
In reply to @praveen:poddery.com
Prof Chetan Desai still there I assume?
Prof Chetan Desai is actually on an official leave of 5 years
@praveen:poddery.comPraveenrude_drax: OK02:44:50
@praveen:poddery.comPraveenIf any of you want to learn Debian Packaging online, we will be happy to help.02:45:26
@praveen:poddery.comPraveen Also add details of your group to https://fsug.in/ map 02:46:37
@kevinam99:matrix.org@kevinam99:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event02:59:36
@kevinam99:matrix.org@kevinam99:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event03:00:20
@hacksk:matrix.orghacksk joined the room.03:00:21
@kevinam99:matrix.org@kevinam99:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event03:01:45
@kevinam99:matrix.org@kevinam99:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event03:05:33
@praveen:poddery.comPraveenkevinam99: debutsav can have topics for newbies too03:08:55
@praveen:poddery.comPraveen You can definitely have git session and install fest before, but I don't think DebUtsav needs to go to end of semester. It can boost your efforts to build a community of contributors. 03:10:18
@utkarsh-2102:matrix.org@utkarsh-2102:matrix.org joined the room.04:21:37
@nightwarrior-xxx:matrix.org@nightwarrior-xxx:matrix.org joined the room.04:56:15
@sertanmay:matrix.orgSer Tanmay joined the room.07:07:18
@sertanmay:matrix.orgSer Tanmay Hey Praveen! Tanmay here from Dev Cluster, Goa's largest tech community. I'm currently a student at GEC, so I would definitely love to help out in this venture. Can get people from all over Goa, and maybe I can arrange for some goodies, too. 07:13:42
@sertanmay:matrix.orgSer Tanmay changed their display name from sertanmay to Ser Tanmay.07:14:25
@sertanmay:matrix.orgSer Tanmay set a profile picture.07:15:44
@praveen:poddery.comPraveensertanmay: great, thanks09:23:16
@fredericknoronha:matrix.orgfredericknoronha Tanmay has both the talent and the determination. He's an organiser you can trust, Praveen 09:25:42
@shirish:matrix.orgshirish joined the room.09:27:17
* @shirish:matrix.orgshirish waves to fredericknoronha 09:29:00
@fredericknoronha:matrix.orgfredericknoronhaHi Shirish09:29:56
@shirish:matrix.orgshirishgood to see things picking up in Goa too, it would be nice to have a sea of contributors ;)09:30:56

<@praveen:poddery.com> Prof Chetan Desai still there I assume?

Prof Chetan Desai is actually on an official leave of 5 years

There are also other pro-FOSS profs there, who understands the long term implications of this tech, for students, Goa and the wider country ... I'm sure we can wait till July Aug when the students have more time on their hands. Meanwhile just let's build up skills on a one-on-one basis. Praveen has a lot of potential to mentor, being a Debian developer himself. Wish he was still in Goa... Anyway, we still have Minto, so let's make the most of them when available


We were thinking of having a session on Git, then an install fest. Debutsav will be a great way to finish off the semester.

As you know, my tech knowledge is limited....but we'll sure do our best to help any initiative the students deem fit. Just go ahead and do it...

@praveen:poddery.comPraveen fredericknoronha: yes, I'd be happy to help. Also Amaldev, a faculty at IIT Goa can also help. Minto is in touch with him I think. He was a batchmate of mine at NITC. 09:36:48
@shirish:matrix.orgshirishand for basic, newbies stuff, you can always contact me as well :) https://itsfoss.com/author/shirish/09:39:02
@sertanmay:matrix.orgSer TanmaySounds great, guys! Glad to have you on board.09:46:14

fredericknoronha: yes, I'd be happy to help. Also Amaldev, a faculty at IIT Goa can also help. Minto is in touch with him I think. He was a batchmate of mine at NITC.

I met Prof Amaldev last week. Would be really nice if we could rope him in here

@kevinam99:matrix.org@kevinam99:matrix.org joined the room.11:10:32

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