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6 Feb 2019
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@dorgsog:matrix.orgAsgeirI will complete this work later today or tomorrow16:16:23
@dorgsog:matrix.orgAsgeirScreenshot 2019-02-06 at 17.07.36.png
Download Screenshot 2019-02-06 at 17.07.36.png
@orishim:matrix.orgorishimWe have lift off 🎉👏🙏🎉16:28:52
@dorgsog:matrix.orgAsgeirStill, more work to be done before its usable for end users16:59:47

Just had a chat with Adam, here are the takeaways:

  • DAOstack & TheGraph had a call where they discussed the dynamic reading problem. TheGraph is very aware, and thinks they'll have a first implementation of it come March.
  • Alchemy's master branch is where we should fork from for the DAO creator. It will be very slow though because of no caching.
  • Alchemy's dev branch is where they've added caching & are going to create the new front-end for alchemy earth.
  • Arc is on code freeze.
  • DxDAO is live, and he wants us to hack it. Deadline is the 16th I believe.
  • He's aware lots of people want their own DAOstack DAOs, and says caching is the main thing blocking it.
  • He suggested we play around with TheGraph, better understand the limitations, and also reach out to the team. They're very responsive and always looking for outside developers to chat with.
  • He liked the idea of wrapping the client library with React components to make app integrations easier.
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelliAlso they're continuing to try and open source their internal developments as much as they can. Here's a good first step, a public task trackinmg board for alchemy instead of their private trello they used to use: https://github.com/daostack/alchemy/projects/217:45:33
@dorgsog:matrix.orgAsgeirThat's a lot of useful information. Thank you, dOrgJelli19:39:58
8 Feb 2019
@orishim:matrix.orgorishimcurious if this is useful to us:19:24:20
@orishim:matrix.orgorishimeither as a development environment for building DAOcomponents, DAOactions19:24:41
@orishim:matrix.orgorishimor as a model for what the outcome of those might look like19:24:54
@orishim:matrix.orgorishimlike we could build a tool like embark19:25:07
@orishim:matrix.orgorishimthat would wrap DAOcomponents?19:25:17
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelli100%, saw a demo of it at DevCon and I'm a huge fan of the development environment it gives19:25:21
@orishim:matrix.orgorishimand make it easy for devs to build daos19:25:31
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelliif I'm thinking of the right thing *19:25:38
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJellioh I see what you're saying, yes I agree with that as well19:25:46
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJellia set of libraries and developer tools19:25:52
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelliwe could jsut cdreatea DAO plugin for embark19:26:51
@orishim:matrix.orgorishimalso interesting that it supposedly makes it easy to integrate IPFS, swarm, whisper and orbit into dapps19:26:56
@orishim:matrix.orgorishim^^yes maybe that19:27:04
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelliooo I like it19:28:57
@orishim:matrix.orgorishimwill add to potential integrations here:19:30:22
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelliHere's the demo I saw at DevCon: https://github.com/status-im/dreddit-dapp19:30:35
@orishim:matrix.orgorishimOkay, looked into embark for a good bit. It looks like a major step up from truffle as a development environment. IMO the biggest advantage is its native support for decentralized storage (IPFS), messaging (swarm), and naming (ENS).22:11:56

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