

61 Members
GnuPG is a complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by RFC4880.24 Servers

You have reached the beginning of time (for this room).

11 Sep 2017
@rmotao:matrix.org@rmotao:matrix.org changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared".02:06:29
3 Oct 2017
@Veevab:matrix.org@Veevab:matrix.org joined the room.03:03:40
14 Oct 2017
@expeditus:matrix.orgexpeditus joined the room.17:30:58
16 Oct 2017
@rmotao:matrix.org@rmotao:matrix.orgchanged room power levels.00:48:55
2 Nov 2017
@teej:matrix.org@teej:matrix.org joined the room.08:52:49
@teej:matrix.org@teej:matrix.org I'm going to test out GnuPG. 09:27:03
@d4n1:matrix.orgd4n1 joined the room.18:59:17
6 Nov 2017
@joncarles:matrix.org@joncarles:matrix.org joined the room.21:42:39
11 Nov 2017
@Elon_Satoshi:matrix.orgLANG=eo minetest joined the room.21:51:03
12 Nov 2017
@Elon_Satoshi:matrix.orgLANG=eo minetest changed their display name from nodogsareugly to Elon Bram.00:40:00
@Elon_Satoshi:matrix.orgLANG=eo minetest changed their display name from Elon Bram to Elon Satoshi.13:51:02
13 Nov 2017
@Elon_Satoshi:matrix.orgLANG=eo minetest changed their display name from Elon Satoshi to lon Satoshi.23:27:10
18 Nov 2017
@Elon_Satoshi:matrix.orgLANG=eo minetest changed their display name from lon Satoshi to Elon Satoshi.02:36:03
21 Nov 2017
@zacklocx:matrix.org@zacklocx:matrix.org joined the room.05:56:10

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