

61 Members
GnuPG is a complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by RFC4880.24 Servers

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23 Dec 2017
@Elon_Satoshi:matrix.orgLANG=eo minetest changed their display name from Fully Automatic Luxury Gay Orbital AVoid5 Digital Japanophilic Spiritual Annarchocommunism to Fully Automatic Luxury Gay Orbital AVoid5 Digital Japonic Spiritual Anarchocommunism.03:21:27
@Elon_Satoshi:matrix.orgLANG=eo minetest changed their display name from Fully Automatic Luxury Gay Orbital AVoid5 Digital Japonic Spiritual Anarchocommunism to Fully Automatic Luxury Gay AVoid5 anarchocommunism.03:24:45
30 Dec 2017
@Elon_Satoshi:matrix.orgLANG=eo minetestit's so empty wtf02:40:47
3 Jan 2018
@Elon_Satoshi:matrix.orgLANG=eo minetest changed their display name from Fully Automatic Luxury Gay AVoid5 anarchocommunism to Blockchain Fully Automatic Luxury Gay Orbital AVoid5 Anarchocommunism.03:39:37
10 Jan 2018
@Famicoman:phillymesh.netFamicoman joined the room.23:50:05
11 Jan 2018
@Elon_Satoshi:matrix.orgLANG=eo minetest changed their display name from Blockchain Fully Automatic Luxury Gay Orbital AVoid5 Anarchocommunism to Fully Automatic Luxury Gay Blockchain Orbital AVoid5 Anarchocommunism.04:55:11
@Elon_Satoshi:matrix.orgLANG=eo minetest changed their display name from Fully Automatic Luxury Gay Blockchain Orbital AVoid5 Anarchocommunism to Fully Automatic Luxury Gay Orbital AVoid5 Communism.06:19:47
@Elon_Satoshi:matrix.orgLANG=eo minetest changed their display name from Fully Automatic Luxury Gay Orbital AVoid5 Communism to Condensed Almost-AVoid5 Commie.06:25:13
@Elon_Satoshi:matrix.orgLANG=eo minetest changed their display name from Condensed Almost-AVoid5 Commie to Fully Automatic Ultra-Long Luxury Gay Twilight Orbital Gnu/Linux AVoid5 Anarchocommunism.20:49:11
16 Jan 2018
@d4n1:matrix.orgd4n1 changed their profile picture.23:08:05
19 Jan 2018
@doronbehar:matrix.org@doronbehar:matrix.org joined the room.20:26:16
@doronbehar:matrix.org@doronbehar:matrix.org Has anyone heard if there is anything wrong with the mailing lists? I'm trying to join them and ask something but I din't get any feedback in my inbox 20:28:02
@doronbehar:matrix.org@doronbehar:matrix.org ? 20:28:03
@doronbehar:matrix.org@doronbehar:matrix.org Now I got the confirmation email.. took a long time 22:14:24
21 Jan 2018
@Elon_Satoshi:matrix.orgLANG=eo minetest changed their display name from Fully Automatic Ultra-Long Luxury Gay Twilight Orbital Gnu/Linux AVoid5 Anarchocommunism to LANG=eo minetest.03:07:17
30 Jan 2018
@cryptomarauder:matrix.orgcryptomarauder joined the room.12:33:15
@cryptomarauder:matrix.orgcryptomarauderhello. how can i cp -R ~/.gnupg into a new user home dir and have it accept it rather than making a new ring when i gpg --list-jeys ?12:35:05
31 Jan 2018
@rmotao:matrix.org@rmotao:matrix.orgI don't think so01:12:24
1 Feb 2018
@d4n1:matrix.orgd4n1 changed their profile picture.04:21:08
2 Feb 2018
@johnnyhero_:matrix.org@johnnyhero_:matrix.org joined the room.07:34:40
15 Feb 2018
@johnnyhero_:matrix.org@johnnyhero_:matrix.org left the room.11:25:15
21 Feb 2018
@Famicoman:phillymesh.netFamicoman left the room.23:54:45
22 Mar 2018
@Croydon:matrix.orgCroydon joined the room.14:21:40
13 Apr 2018
@horia:matrix.orghoria.ca joined the room.04:01:07
14 Apr 2018
@horia:matrix.orghoria.caIs there prior art for Web Key Service (WKS) server tool for Dovecot?12:28:19
25 Apr 2018
@d4n1:matrix.orgd4n1 changed their profile picture.00:50:57
28 Apr 2018
@zack31:matrix.org@zack31:matrix.org joined the room.04:25:07
1 May 2018
@zack31:matrix.org@zack31:matrix.org changed their display name from zack31 to ZACK.08:09:45
3 May 2018
@horia:matrix.orghoria.ca OpenPGP Web Key Service and Web Key Directory implemened on OpenBSD with GnuPG https://github.com/vedetta-com/caesonia/releases/v6.3.2-beta 19:59:07
5 May 2018
@zack31:matrix.org@zack31:matrix.org left the room.09:58:05

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