

61 Members
GnuPG is a complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by RFC4880.24 Servers

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5 May 2018
@penthotal:matrix.org@penthotal:matrix.org joined the room.15:24:19
7 May 2018
@horia:matrix.orghoria.ca changed their display name from Horia to Horia (he/him/1stWKS).01:45:30
@horia:matrix.orghoria.ca changed their display name from Horia (he/him/1stWKS) to Horia.01:49:28
12 May 2018
@nbrr:matrix.orgnbrr joined the room.18:55:44
14 May 2018
@horia:matrix.orghoria.ca I'm disappointed with EFF 21:55:41
@JollyRoger:matrix.org@JollyRoger:matrix.org joined the room.22:13:49
@JollyRoger:matrix.org@JollyRoger:matrix.orgHey guys!22:14:12
15 May 2018
@JollyRoger:matrix.org@JollyRoger:matrix.orgAhoy! I'm glad to be here, big fan of GnuPG myself. Hoping to write a free E-book on it sometime :D.01:27:10
19 May 2018
@ipv4v6:matrix.orgIPv4v6 joined the room.18:42:18
21 May 2018
@JollyRoger:matrix.org@JollyRoger:matrix.orgHey guys. I was just wondering something -- do you think it will be possible for GnuPG to implement Argon2 as a key derivation function, or is GnuPG required to adhere to the RFC4880 standard?22:27:26
23 May 2018
@JollyRoger:matrix.org@JollyRoger:matrix.org The reason I ask is because I've been looking at things like ASICs for SHA2 and figuring that not what there's so much Bitcoin hardware out there and for about eight hundred dollars an Antminer T9 is claimed to handle more than ten Terahashes per second. 19:33:12
@JollyRoger:matrix.org@JollyRoger:matrix.org **and figuring that there's so much 19:33:47
@JollyRoger:matrix.org@JollyRoger:matrix.org (Sorry, kinda distracted and lost in thought. D'oh.) 19:34:18
@JollyRoger:matrix.org@JollyRoger:matrix.org Since the MUAs constantly bug people for their key pass phrases due to terrible MUA implementations I've begun to expect many users will simply use weak or recycled passwords. 19:38:33
@JollyRoger:matrix.org@JollyRoger:matrix.org Can't do much about reused passwords, but if ASICs for SHA2 are much more common now it's something that's been bugging me. 19:39:52
28 May 2018
@JollyRoger:matrix.org@JollyRoger:matrix.org Hey guys. I'm going to do a 'hardware token shootout' sometime to compare different hardware tokens from a usability perspective. If anyone is curious or wants a request, please tell me. No ETA yet since I'm waiting for me new PC to arrive. 18:19:52
* @JollyRoger:matrix.org@JollyRoger:matrix.org accidentally did pirate speak there without meaning to18:20:27
@robertgdg:matrix.org@robertgdg:matrix.org joined the room.23:03:27
29 May 2018
@robertgdg:matrix.org@robertgdg:matrix.org left the room.19:00:20
20 Jun 2018
@lilb044:matrix.orglilb044 joined the room.21:16:10
@lilb044:matrix.orglilb044I am new to PGP and don’t know really how to use it and how to decrypt PGP without a computer? Is it possible using only iPhone?21:17:24
@horia:matrix.orghoria.calilb044: yes, with OpenKeychain23:14:01
6 Jul 2018
@JollyRoger:matrix.org@JollyRoger:matrix.orgAnother vote for OpenKeyChain here too.23:35:57
12 Jul 2018
@asriyanarthur:matrix.orgasriyanarthur joined the room.00:00:01
27 Jul 2018
@horia:matrix.orghoria.ca changed their display name from Horia to Horia.ca.17:05:05
31 Jul 2018
@teej:matrix.org@teej:matrix.orgI don't know if OpenKeychain is available on iOS.16:34:16
23 Aug 2018
@joncarles:matrix.org@joncarles:matrix.org left the room.21:53:25
27 Aug 2018
@colin.brosseau:matrix.org@colin.brosseau:matrix.org joined the room.21:52:43

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