

61 Members
GnuPG is a complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by RFC4880.24 Servers

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15 Jun 2020
@richy:tchncs.derichy 15:38:23
16 Jun 2020
@vladimir:sibnsk.netvladimir joined the room.18:42:24
19 Jun 2020
@andreas:matrix.allmende.ioandreas 19:20:16
20 Jun 2020
@otto:feneas.org@otto:feneas.org 16:26:01
@karol:kde.orgkarol 21:31:08
22 Jun 2020
@maurice:tomesh.net@maurice:tomesh.net 22:33:24
25 Jun 2020
@louis:poddery.comlouis joined the room.22:32:20
26 Jun 2020
@pavlos:asra.grpavlos 19:30:45
@hans:bau-ha.us@hans:bau-ha.us 19:33:36
@martin:netzgemeinde.eu@martin:netzgemeinde.eu 20:30:45
30 Jun 2020
@al_qayid:matrix.orgالقائد joined the room.19:10:50
1 Jul 2020
@solenoide:matrix.org@solenoide:matrix.org joined the room.21:45:36
2 Jul 2020
@alfredo:riotchat.dealfredo joined the room.07:29:51
5 Jul 2020
@ben:nerdsin.spaceben 16:32:45
7 Jul 2020
@melany7099:matrix.org@melany7099:matrix.org joined the room.16:11:18
@ronald:perthchat.org@ronald:perthchat.org 20:04:52
@rowan016:matrix.org@rowan016:matrix.org joined the room.23:59:26
8 Jul 2020
@melany7099:matrix.org@melany7099:matrix.org left the room.00:54:09
@rowan016:matrix.org@rowan016:matrix.org left the room.02:00:26
10 Jul 2020
@rayan:hackerspaces.berayan 19:18:58
14 Jul 2020
@rmotao:matrix.org@rmotao:matrix.org left the room.23:08:02
21 Jul 2020
@kali:diasp.inkali 19:45:06
25 Jul 2020
@annette:nitro.chatannette 08:17:03
27 Jul 2020
@pretextato:matrix.org@pretextato:matrix.org left the room.12:58:15
@enid:matrixim.cc@enid:matrixim.cc 23:59:52
28 Jul 2020
@louis:poddery.comlouis 22:39:08
30 Jul 2020
@cyril:fairydust.space@cyril:fairydust.space joined the room.21:51:45
31 Jul 2020
@gate32:matrix.orggate32 changed their profile picture.00:21:37
3 Aug 2020
@EuAndreh:matrix.org@EuAndreh:matrix.org left the room.00:17:38
@ronald:synod.im@ronald:synod.im joined the room.10:57:18

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