

61 Members
GnuPG is a complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by RFC4880.24 Servers

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14 May 2020
@circlerepeat:matrix.org@circlerepeat:matrix.organd are sks keyservers pool automatic now? or do i manually have to specific that? 02:10:25
@antnythr:matrix.org@antnythr:matrix.org left the room.02:11:08
@uvolmer:matrix.u-v.deUlf Volmer gpg --version 05:58:27
@harmathy:matrix.org@harmathy:matrix.org set a profile picture.08:04:17
@circlerepeat:matrix.org@circlerepeat:matrix.org I was looking for a more update guide like the one on riseup.net https://riseup.net/en/security/message-security/openpgp/gpg-best-practices
Does anyone know of something more current for best practices?
23 May 2020
@circlerepeat:matrix.org@circlerepeat:matrix.org left the room.19:47:34
26 May 2020
@harmathy:matrix.org@harmathy:matrix.org changed their profile picture.11:07:29
28 May 2020
@JulHer:matrix.orgJulHer joined the room.15:51:42
30 May 2020
@divide0:matrix.orgdivide0 joined the room.03:34:51
@divide0:matrix.orgdivide0Can someone explain the role of the primary key. One which has several subkeys with each a single purpose. E.g. sign, encrypt, auth. Is the primary key used for decryption and certification only then? How are the subkeys protected if the primary is held offline?03:42:38
@rmotao:matrix.org@rmotao:matrix.orgPRIMARY is used to S(SIGN), C(CERTIFIED) and A(AUTHENTICATE) ... this key, usually, do not have an expire date. SUBKEY is used to E(ENCRYPT/DECRYPT) things,MUST have a expire date, and can create as many as you need.17:44:39
@rmotao:matrix.org@rmotao:matrix.orgI do this way.17:46:15
@rmotao:matrix.org@rmotao:matrix.orgActually, I do not use A in my PRIMARY.. only S and C. So, It is possible create a SUBKEY only for A.17:49:48
31 May 2020
@zoechi:matrix.org@zoechi:matrix.org joined the room.13:48:11
@fedor:ru-matrix.orgfedor 20:41:11
1 Jun 2020
@silencio:tzchat.orgsilencio joined the room.06:24:39
2 Jun 2020
@fabrice:radres.xyz@fabrice:radres.xyz joined the room.15:48:13
3 Jun 2020
@annette:nitro.chatannette joined the room.22:57:36
7 Jun 2020
@fabrice:radres.xyz@fabrice:radres.xyz 14:30:28
@fabrice:radres.xyz@fabrice:radres.xyz left the room.14:30:31
11 Jun 2020
@chris:privacytools.io@chris:privacytools.io joined the room.18:56:44
@chris:privacytools.io@chris:privacytools.io 20:16:14
12 Jun 2020
@gustav:matrix.kiwifarms.netgustav joined the room.15:48:33
@bart:converser.eubart joined the room.16:10:37
@gustav:matrix.kiwifarms.netgustav 20:17:01
13 Jun 2020
@stanislaw:junta.pl@stanislaw:junta.pl left the room.18:29:29
@think_different:nitro.chat@think_different:nitro.chat joined the room.18:30:14
@think_different:nitro.chat@think_different:nitro.chat left the room.20:13:44
@enid:matrixim.cc@enid:matrixim.cc joined the room.21:26:45

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