

61 Members
GnuPG is a complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by RFC4880.24 Servers

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29 Jan 2020
@antnythr:matrix.org@antnythr:matrix.org joined the room.06:57:35
@rmlibre:matrix.orgrmlibre joined the room.20:19:41
2 Feb 2020
@rayan:hackerspaces.berayan joined the room.12:39:51
@fedor:ru-matrix.orgfedor joined the room.14:10:51
@ben:nerdsin.spaceben joined the room.23:35:05
5 Feb 2020
@taylor:utwente.io@taylor:utwente.io left the room.14:17:31
7 Feb 2020
@tlatelolco:matrix.org@tlatelolco:matrix.org joined the room.07:07:47
@gina:ggc-project.degina joined the room.20:39:23
8 Feb 2020
@msavorritias:matrix.org@msavorritias:matrix.org left the room.20:34:03
19 Feb 2020
@poof88dk:matrix.orgpoof88dk joined the room.15:01:11
25 Feb 2020
@penthotal:matrix.org@penthotal:matrix.org removed their profile picture.18:52:54
6 Mar 2020
@gate32:matrix.orggate32 joined the room.15:12:26
8 Mar 2020
@gharbeia:matrix.orgA.Gharbeia set their display name to A.Gharbeia.16:34:24
15 Mar 2020
@uvolmer:matrix.u-v.deUlf Volmer joined the room.18:26:17
18 Mar 2020
@zziparchivers:matrix.orgzziparchivers joined the room.22:50:00
29 Mar 2020
@yanbc:matrix.orgyanbc joined the room.05:20:08
@gharbeia:matrix.orgA.Gharbeia changed their profile picture.11:21:46
4 Apr 2020
@jadejitsu:matrix.orgjadejitsu joined the room.08:16:03
10 Apr 2020
@penthotal:matrix.org@penthotal:matrix.org left the room.18:17:44
23 Apr 2020
@drone4four:matrix.orgAngeles89 joined the room.23:01:45
1 May 2020
@circlerepeat:matrix.org@circlerepeat:matrix.org joined the room.21:33:03
10 May 2020
@obfs4:matrix.orgobfs4 joined the room.15:14:26
11 May 2020
12 May 2020
@circlerepeat:matrix.org@circlerepeat:matrix.orgobfs4: cool canary ✌🏻15:59:08
@obfs4:matrix.orgobfs4 circlerepeat: thanks but this is goldenfinch 15:59:47
@circlerepeat:matrix.org@circlerepeat:matrix.org obsf4: gotcha. I was kind of curious. Love birds 16:01:31
@88cretin88:matrix.org88cretin88 joined the room.19:26:15
14 May 2020
@circlerepeat:matrix.org@circlerepeat:matrix.orghow can i check what version of gpp is installed on my linux?02:08:56

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