

61 Members
GnuPG is a complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by RFC4880.24 Servers

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29 Dec 2020
@divide0:matrix.orgdivide0 invited @_neb_imgur:matrix.org@_neb_imgur:matrix.org.18:54:46
@_neb_imgur:matrix.org@_neb_imgur:matrix.org joined the room.18:54:47
@_neb_imgur:matrix.org@_neb_imgur:matrix.org left the room.18:56:32
21 Jan 2021
@tlatelolco:matrix.org@tlatelolco:matrix.org changed their display name from tlatelolco to Thomas.21:48:15
@tlatelolco:matrix.org@tlatelolco:matrix.org changed their display name from Thomas to Thomas 👨‍🌾.21:55:38
@tlatelolco:matrix.org@tlatelolco:matrix.org changed their display name from Thomas 👨‍🌾 to 👨‍💻 Thomas 👨‍🌾.21:56:33
31 Jan 2021
@george:oblak.be@george:oblak.be left the room.02:06:49
16 Feb 2021
@beatrix:nltrix.net@beatrix:nltrix.net 08:00:45
@beatrix:nltrix.net@beatrix:nltrix.net removed their display name beatrix.08:02:24
@beatrix:nltrix.net@beatrix:nltrix.net left the room.09:33:43
21 Feb 2021
@al_qayid:matrix.orgالقائد changed their profile picture.23:45:01
25 Feb 2021
@obfs4:matrix.orgobfs4can someone help me?11:04:43
@obfs4:matrix.orgobfs4i am editing my public key with gpg --edit-key FINGERPRINT. then i am changing expire time with expire command and making that with 0 and saving with save command after this i am checking with gpg --list-keys and i can see the new changes but when i imported pubring.gpg i am seeing the old key the problem is pubrig.gpg is not being updated11:12:39
3 Mar 2021
@teej:matrix.org@teej:matrix.org obfs4: Try exporting the updated keys? 00:35:48
4 Mar 2021
In reply to @teej:matrix.org
obfs4: Try exporting the updated keys?
all of them?
@obfs4:matrix.orgobfs4it is a pain for me12:42:30
27 Apr 2021
@divide0:matrix.orgdivide0 set a profile picture.00:06:55
23 May 2021
@teej:matrix.org@teej:matrix.org left the room.18:12:32
19 Jun 2021
@al_qayid:matrix.orgالقائد changed their profile picture.09:26:03
22 Aug 2021
@tlatelolco:matrix.org@tlatelolco:matrix.org left the room.18:04:49
8 Sep 2021
@ilkecan:matrix.orgilkecan joined the room.18:06:58
29 Sep 2021
@uvolmer:matrix.u-v.deUlf Volmer changed their display name from Ulf Volmer to ::1.12:15:31
@uvolmer:matrix.u-v.deUlf Volmer changed their display name from ::1 to Ulf Volmer.12:15:57
13 Dec 2021
@grouchig:matrix.orgGrouchig changed their display name from grouchig to Grouchig.12:57:17
16 Dec 2021
@grouchig:matrix.orgGrouchig set a profile picture.10:24:38
7 Jan 2022
@grouchig:matrix.orgGrouchigNew blog post by the gpg maintainer: https://gnupg.org/blog/20220102-a-new-future-for-gnupg.html12:27:17
18 Feb 2022
@horia:matrix.orghoria.ca changed their display name from horia.ca to horia.ca 🇩🇪.03:38:38
22 Feb 2022
@horia:matrix.orghoria.ca changed their display name from horia.ca 🇩🇪 to horia.ca 🇨🇳.04:20:06
@horia:matrix.orghoria.ca changed their display name from horia.ca 🇨🇳 to horia.ca.17:32:45
30 Mar 2022
@jadejitsu:matrix.orgjadejitsu set a profile picture.15:34:56

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