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Discussions about Bash shell, scripting, etc.37 Servers

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26 Sep 2023
@lunardigs:matrix.orglunardigs 🌒 changed their display name from lunardigs (Jordachedude) to lunardigs (docnarcolongo).01:35:29
@nazarewk:matrix.orgnazarewk changed their profile picture.12:06:03
28 Sep 2023
In reply to @dermoth:matrix.org

Fernando-Basso: correct, I'd swap the thing around though for clarity, and with -s you may need -- as your first argument co you can pass options to your scripts

gpg -dq ./script.gpg 2>/dev/null |bash -s -- <args...>

This is also quite useful over ssh, send your script to remote, read back its output

Can you provide an example?
@Fernando-Basso:matrix.orgFernando-Basso(I'm trying to come up with one myself.)14:01:24
@dermoth:matrix.orgdermoth Fernando-Basso: just pipe a script to bash -s -- and optionally pass some arguments. 18:44:00
@dermoth:matrix.orgdermothIn the example you quoted the script is decrypted and read from gpg18:44:35
29 Sep 2023
@vladam:matrix.org@vladam:matrix.org joined the room.06:47:17
7 Oct 2023
@arsh79:matrix.org@arsh79:matrix.org joined the room.16:07:31
@arsh79:matrix.org@arsh79:matrix.org left the room.16:08:28
@catfat:matrix.orgcatfat joined the room.16:15:16
9 Oct 2023
@stranded:matrix.org@stranded:matrix.org left the room.11:14:54
@pflegedissens:matrix.orgPFLEGENDE Angehörige joined the room.15:55:27
10 Oct 2023
@desdo88:matrix.org@desdo88:matrix.org left the room.20:42:57
12 Oct 2023
@ed25519:matrix.orged25519 joined the room.08:24:44
30 Oct 2023
@quietlyjaded:matrix.orgquietlyjaded joined the room.23:29:23
3 Nov 2023
@golu8:matrix.org@golu8:matrix.org joined the room.10:39:09
4 Nov 2023
@golu8:matrix.org@golu8:matrix.org left the room.11:33:58
7 Nov 2023
@Fernando-Basso:matrix.orgFernando-Basso changed their profile picture.10:22:39
17 Nov 2023
@ht990332:matrix.orghussam joined the room.09:32:08
30 Nov 2023
@albertbici:matrix.org@albertbici:matrix.org joined the room.14:14:58
7 Dec 2023
@hesitating_itsgone:matrix.orghesitating_itsgone joined the room.06:45:46
11 Dec 2023
@patlefort:matrix.orgpatlefort joined the room.09:56:40

read -d ':' -r -a testv <<<'test1:test2:test3:' && echo "${testv[@]}" only prints test1. Isn't read -a supposed to create an array?

@twkmhnnomn:matrix.orgthose who know me have no need of my nameyou told read that a line is delimited by a colon, not fields. you wanted IFS=: read -ra ...16:15:29
@goldstone:matrix.org@goldstone:matrix.org joined the room.21:23:25
@goldstone:matrix.org@goldstone:matrix.org left the room.21:24:16
13 Dec 2023
@albertbici:matrix.org@albertbici:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event06:39:59
@albertbici:matrix.org@albertbici:matrix.org * Can anyone explain me how to use passwith gpg to store passwords in encrypted way? 🙏🏻 06:40:38
@albertbici:matrix.org@albertbici:matrix.org changed their display name from albertbici to albertiii.06:41:01
@albertbici:matrix.org@albertbici:matrix.org left the room.06:41:40

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