
Element Translations

428 Members
https://localazy.com/o/element.io | element-web translations guide: https://github.com/vector-im/element-web/blob/develop/docs/translating.md | Element X Android guide: https://github.com/element-hq/element-x-android/blob/develop/CONTRIBUTING.md#strings | Element-Android guide: https://github.com/vector-im/element-android/blob/develop/CONTRIBUTING.md#i-want-to-help-translating-element104 Servers

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16 Jun 2024
@kimiblockmoe:moechat.kimiblock.top@kimiblockmoe:moechat.kimiblock.top changed their display name from Kimiblock Moe to Kimiblock Moe | Old.13:26:56
@kimiblockmoe:moetrix.kimiblock.top@kimiblockmoe:moetrix.kimiblock.top changed their display name from Kimiblock to Kimiblock Moe.13:32:19
@kimiblockmoe:moechat.kimiblock.top@kimiblockmoe:moechat.kimiblock.top changed their display name from Kimiblock Moe | Old to Kimiblock Moe | Old | @kimiblockmoe:moetrix.kimiblock.top.15:27:51
@kimiblockmoe:moechat.kimiblock.top@kimiblockmoe:moechat.kimiblock.top left the room.16:24:40
17 Jun 2024
@kimiblockmoe:moetrix.kimiblock.top@kimiblockmoe:moetrix.kimiblock.top changed their profile picture.03:42:43
18 Jun 2024
@marc.sirisak:matrix.orgmarc.sirisak joined the room.13:12:01
@marc.sirisak:matrix.orgmarc.sirisakHello guys ! I have some french translation that needs review since quite some times ! If someone could review them, the help will be greatly appreciated https://localazy.com/p/element-web/contributors/marcwadai 馃檹馃槃13:16:16
@tlpbu:matrix.orgAndrejsHi! I would like to also ask to review also Latvian translations. 93% done yet lack of review formally prevents it to be added to application13:19:06
19 Jun 2024
@kimiblockmoe:moetrix.kimiblock.top@kimiblockmoe:moetrix.kimiblock.top changed their display name from Kimiblock Moe to Kimiblock [Deprecated] | @kimiblockmoe:moechat.kimiblock.top.03:46:26
18 Jun 2024
@dskeller:dataport.modular.imSebastian Keller (Dataport MAV) changed their display name from Sebastian Keller (Dataport) to Sebastian Keller (Dataport) (Abwesend bis 17.06.).19:03:03
20 Jun 2024
@eduard:moodle.comEduard Cerc贸s changed their display name from Eduard Cerc贸s to Eduard Cerc贸s - OoO back June 25th.13:02:29
18 Jun 2024
@dskeller:dataport.modular.imSebastian Keller (Dataport MAV) changed their display name from Sebastian Keller (Dataport) (Abwesend bis 17.06.) to Sebastian Keller (Dataport) (Abwesend bis 17.07.).19:03:17
20 Jun 2024
@nyancat:ny4.devGuanran Wang joined the room.14:09:03
21 Jun 2024
@fheese:element.ioFlorian Heese changed their display name from Florian Heese to Florian Heese // OOO.16:07:20
@lady0panda:matrix.org@lady0panda:matrix.org left the room.18:43:33
24 Jun 2024
@lofi:nexions.netLofi joined the room.21:12:22
25 Jun 2024
@eduard:moodle.comEduard Cerc贸s changed their display name from Eduard Cerc贸s - OoO back June 25th to Eduard Cerc贸s.05:45:27
@tom:lant.uktom changed their display name from tom to tom [sick].09:11:33
@kimiblockmoe:moetrix.kimiblock.top@kimiblockmoe:moetrix.kimiblock.top removed their display name Kimiblock [Deprecated] | @kimiblockmoe:moechat.kimiblock.top.11:44:12
@kimiblockmoe:moetrix.kimiblock.top@kimiblockmoe:moetrix.kimiblock.top removed their profile picture.11:44:24
@kimiblockmoe:moetrix.kimiblock.top@kimiblockmoe:moetrix.kimiblock.top left the room.11:44:36
27 Jun 2024
@tom:lant.uktom changed their display name from tom [sick] to tom.09:56:11
@denisea:element.ioDenise changed their display name from Denise [away] to Denise.10:14:43
@root:ny4.dev@root:ny4.dev changed their display name from nyancat to nyancat (old).10:55:27
28 Jun 2024
@mauro.romito:element.ioMauro Romito (back on the 9th of September) changed their display name from Mauro Romito to Mauro Romito 馃.07:45:01
@azxswed:matrix.orgqazsw joined the room.12:21:49
@getsome56:matrix.org@getsome56:matrix.org joined the room.17:42:02
@getsome56:matrix.org@getsome56:matrix.org left the room.17:42:47
1 Jul 2024
@mauro.romito:element.ioMauro Romito (back on the 9th of September) changed their display name from Mauro Romito 馃 to Mauro Romito.07:51:58
@tmpod:matrix.orgtmpodHey! I just noticed (through EXA's incredibly useful gallery tool) that plurals aren't being properly handled in Portuguese. 0 should be plural, singular is only for 1.16:43:32

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