31 Oct 2024 |
Doug | Yes, please make sure to try and follow the format of the original strings :) | 09:30:11 |
Tonkku | there were some that couldn't have come down to missing colons though | 09:59:21 |
Doug | Yes, the rich_text_editor. ones for example? They were missing part of the original string so said e.g. Bold instead of Apply bold format .
| 10:04:29 |
Tonkku | yeah I wanted to use more conventional rich text editor labels because doing a direct translation of those felt off imo. | 10:39:32 |
Doug | Yeah, tbf I would say they feel “off” in English too if you think they’re going to be shown on the buttons. But they’re used as the accessibility labels, which is why product will have chosen these values :) | 10:42:14 |
Tonkku | there was also notification_unread_notified_messages_in_room and notification_unread_notified_messages_and_invitation of which I asked above what the placeholders were but got no response. After looking around I figured out it's probably p:notification_unread_notified_messages , p:notification_unread_notified_messages_in_room_rooms and p:notification_invitations
you probably thought I forgot the word "in" in between or something but it's actually baked into the translation of p:notification_unread_notified_messages_in_room_rooms
| 10:50:38 |
Doug | Ahhh right got it! | 10:58:43 |
Doug | (I’ve asked for someone to add placeholder hints to these, because they’re totally unhelpful) | 10:59:18 |
| David Langley changed their display name from David Langley [back Thursday 31st] to David Langley. | 15:17:52 |
Ricardo Duarte | https://localazy.com/o/element.io <- This link works for anyone ? | 19:54:26 |
Tonkku | not for me | 19:58:54 |
Ricardo Duarte | Download image.png | 20:01:21 |
Ricardo Duarte | I'll get there... | 20:01:23 |
1 Nov 2024 |
| BuZZ-dEE changed their profile picture. | 01:57:40 |
| Eduard Cercós changed their display name from Eduard Cercós to Eduard Cercós - OoO back Nov 4th. | 06:50:58 |
| benp changed their display name from benp to benp - away. | 08:26:35 |
| Muhammad Rehan Khan joined the room. | 22:04:51 |
4 Nov 2024 |
| Mauro Romito changed their display name from Mauro Romito (back on Monday) to Mauro Romito. | 08:36:57 |
| Eduard Cercós changed their display name from Eduard Cercós - OoO back Nov 4th to Eduard Cercós. | 11:15:32 |
Tonkku | In reply to @douge:matrix.org Ahhh right got it! notification_unread_notified_messages_in_room is in a weird state where it's no longer pending but also not approved or rejected and I can't resubmit it | 11:27:59 |
Doug | Download B7D60083-68D0-4BC6-8FAE-B79DD9D7DC82.png | 11:36:39 |
Doug | Not sure what you’re seeing in the UI, but it is showing as your version being the current 👍 | 11:37:24 |
Doug | Also, wow, great job on the translation progress 👏 | 11:37:45 |
Tonkku | Download image.png | 11:46:01 |
Tonkku | state is needs translation but it is filled in | 11:46:32 |
| toml changed their display name from tom [back 2024-11-04] to tom. | 15:56:47 |
| @angels_silhouette:matrix.org joined the room. | 23:39:55 |
5 Nov 2024 |
| Thib (m.org) changed their display name from Thib (m.org, OOO till Nov 4) to Thib (m.org). | 08:31:04 |
| rando joined the room. | 09:40:34 |
rando | Hello, translation platform has changed from Weblate -> Localazy right? | 09:42:41 |