
The Paul L Daniels Fan Club

207 Members
Discussions around the software and hardware Paul creates/sells/forces-on-people!20 Servers

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19 Aug 2023
@lambda:awau.ukpossum🐾 changed their profile picture.04:00:33
30 Aug 2023
@carrehec:matrix.orgdog changed their profile picture.02:57:29
1 Sep 2023
@thib:ergaster.org@thib:ergaster.org changed their display name from Thib (back Sept 1st) to Thib.06:33:37
19 Sep 2023
@eroc1990:matrix.org@eroc1990:matrix.org changed their display name from eroc1990 to eroc1990 (Old).03:39:20
@eroc1990:matrix.org@eroc1990:matrix.org left the room.14:15:53
11 Oct 2023
@doc:halogen.city@doc:halogen.city left the room.09:37:22
18 Oct 2023
@bennyhill:tchncs.de@bennyhill:tchncs.de changed their display name from Silverblue Enjoyer to Immutable Username.20:23:47
28 Oct 2023
@kfiven:matrix.org@kfiven:matrix.org left the room.00:26:57
5 Nov 2023
@bennyhill:yatrix.org@bennyhill:yatrix.org removed their profile picture.11:47:33
@bennyhill:yatrix.org@bennyhill:yatrix.org removed their display name Android Enjoyer.11:47:36
@bennyhill:yatrix.org@bennyhill:yatrix.org left the room.11:47:58
@bennyhill:tchncs.de@bennyhill:tchncs.de removed their profile picture.12:01:40
@bennyhill:tchncs.de@bennyhill:tchncs.de removed their display name Immutable Username.12:01:42
@bennyhill:tchncs.de@bennyhill:tchncs.de left the room.12:01:43
17 Nov 2023
@zwolf8:matrix.org@zwolf8:matrix.org left the room.06:44:11
28 Nov 2023
@xpyr:matrix.org@xpyr:matrix.org left the room.11:27:11
6 Dec 2023
@syntheit:matrix.org@syntheit:matrix.org left the room.20:41:54
7 Dec 2023
@internetbound:matrix.org@internetbound:matrix.org left the room.15:56:51
21 Dec 2023
@rhine_labs:matrix.orgRhine_Labs changed their profile picture.07:08:21
26 Dec 2023
@carrehec:matrix.orgdog changed their profile picture.20:26:36
2 Jan 2024
@moderation-tools:matrix.orgmoderation-tools banned @takko_the_boss:matrix.org@takko_the_boss:matrix.org (Syncing ban for trolling).17:24:30
3 Jan 2024
@moderation-tools:matrix.orgmoderation-tools banned @royills:matrix.org@royills:matrix.org (spam).22:18:14
@moderation-tools:matrix.orgmoderation-tools banned @altineedforinteractingwithmatrixorg:envs.net@altineedforinteractingwithmatrixorg:envs.net (code of conduct violations).22:18:14
10 Jan 2024
@arcushing:matrix.org@arcushing:matrix.org left the room.16:30:33
19 Jan 2024
@carrehec:matrix.orgdog changed their profile picture.05:41:46
@carrehec:matrix.orgdog changed their profile picture.05:41:58
24 Jan 2024
@wildblackberry:matrix.orgAmelia changed their display name from Geez to Amelia.21:32:34
2 Feb 2024
@christophhoward:matrix.orgChristoph (B) changed their display name from Christoph Howard to Christoph Howard (A).01:55:59
3 Feb 2024
@christophhoward:matrix.orgChristoph (B) changed their display name from Christoph Howard (A) to Christoph Howard (B).11:19:34
26 Feb 2024
@christophhoward:matrix.orgChristoph (B) changed their display name from Christoph Howard (B) to Christoph (B).17:17:29

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