
Ema Apps

142 Members
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5 Mar 2024
@adrian:lorenzana.engineeringadrian ⚡️ joined the room.20:47:59
@adrian:lorenzana.engineeringadrian ⚡️ left the room.21:35:58
7 Mar 2024
@low-key:matrix.org@low-key:matrix.org left the room.06:53:18
11 Mar 2024
@alex-a-soto:matrix.org@alex-a-soto:matrix.org left the room.23:29:30
19 Mar 2024
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com) changed their profile picture.16:02:50
11 Apr 2024
@madjar:matrix.org@madjar:matrix.org left the room.10:05:19
25 Apr 2024
@tewuzij:beeper.com@tewuzij:beeper.com joined the room.14:28:45
29 Apr 2024
@favorite1437:matrix.orgfavorite1437 joined the room.07:01:16
9 May 2024
@tewuzij:beeper.com@tewuzij:beeper.com left the room.01:45:32
@vanceism7:matrix.org@vanceism7:matrix.org left the room.22:17:00
17 May 2024
@roosemberth:orbstheorem.ch@roosemberth:orbstheorem.ch left the room.15:55:22
18 May 2024
@mg433:kimane.semg433 joined the room.14:35:46
20 May 2024
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com) changed their display name from srid to srid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com).15:50:25
30 May 2024
@dergigi:matrix.org@dergigi:matrix.org left the room.11:11:34
7 Jun 2024
@schnarcher:systemli.org@schnarcher:systemli.org left the room.18:12:38
10 Jun 2024
@lucasvr:matrix.org@lucasvr:matrix.org joined the room.03:07:59
@lucasvr:matrix.org@lucasvr:matrix.org joined the room.03:08:03
@lucasvr:matrix.org@lucasvr:matrix.org left the room.03:08:05
16 Jun 2024
@thematten:matrix.org@thematten:matrix.org left the room.09:39:35
4 Jul 2024
@tanvir:hackliberty.org@tanvir:hackliberty.org joined the room.10:37:39
10 Jul 2024
@tanvir:hackliberty.org@tanvir:hackliberty.org left the room.21:27:59
25 Aug 2024
@gentooboontoo:matrix.org@gentooboontoo:matrix.org left the room.14:14:42

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