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21 Jun 2020
@tek:tryp.iotekah, they even a guru of sorts18:10:20
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com)guru?18:10:42
@tek:tryp.ioteksounds interesting, in any case18:12:47
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com)"cult" is another word that people tend to use, as a response - yet when asked something to the effect of "what makes you think that?" - no factual response can be produced :P18:12:49
@tek:tryp.iotekI can identify with what I've skimmed over so far18:12:55
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com)something to keep in mind is that actualism contradicts core beliefs of being a human (no matter which culture one is from), so a lot of initial reactions can be ... uncomfortable.18:14:56
@tek:tryp.iotekwell a guru can also just be a very skilled person18:14:56
@tek:tryp.iotekI'm not trying to disparage 😉 18:15:08
@tek:tryp.iotekthat's just my cup of tea!18:15:24
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com)Over the years many people came to the original mailing list calling Richard a guru, actualism a cult, its members as disciples or clones, etc.. those discussion are all archived here: http://www.actualfreedom.com.au/sundry/halloffame.htm18:17:02
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com)And here: http://www.actualfreedom.com.au/sundry/commonobjections/croindex.htm18:17:22
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com)This is understable, as I said above, actualism contradicts the core beliefs of being a human. People in general will 'fight back' when that happens.18:18:10
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com)And that's something to keep in mind -- this (non-rational) reaction is entirely normal -- but what you do with it is up to you (i.e., look at things factually rather than intuitively)18:19:04
@nadrieril:freeingneo.ovhNadriMore than fight back, my general feeling is that I'm missing the point of what is being talked about18:19:45
@nadrieril:freeingneo.ovhNadriI had skimmed through those websites back when I first stumbled upon your zettelkasten, but couldn't find an explanation that made sense to me18:19:55
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com) Nadri: We are talking about the actualism method which aims to free one of human suffering (the psychological suffering), something than no other method in human history (spiritualism, stoicism, etc.) has done. 18:21:12
@nadrieril:freeingneo.ovhNadriYeah, that was clear enough18:22:00
@nadrieril:freeingneo.ovhNadriActually it's clearer when you say it like that ^^18:22:29
@nadrieril:freeingneo.ovhNadriAre you a practitioner? Has it helped you not suffer?18:22:59
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com)Yes, I try to practice it. But it is not easy. I made quite a bit of progress, and eliminated a bunch of 'patterns'.18:23:56
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com)A lot (if not all) of suffering is due to entrenched beliefs (which other feelings engulf so as to complicate matters). Eliminating those beliefs uproots those suffering.18:25:01
@tek:tryp.iotekhow much of that practice is based on general methods, and how much on personalized stuff that you develop yourself?18:25:22
In reply to@srid:matrix.org
A lot (if not all) of suffering is due to entrenched beliefs (which other feelings engulf so as to complicate matters). Eliminating those beliefs uproots those suffering.
Sounds like therapy to me ^^ Or at least my understanding of it
@tek:tryp.iotekand can you provide concrete examples?18:25:49
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com) tek: The 'general method' is to feel good (be in a good mood) each and every moment (24x7). The 'personalized' stuff is very individual, and idiosyncratic. Another aspect to the general method is an sincere intention to find out everything that prevented from you feeling good (which is to entail whatever idiosyncratic method you use to find it out). 18:27:29
@nadrieril:freeingneo.ovhNadri(Pardon if I sound dismissive, I do that by reflex but I'm actively trying not to)18:27:41
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com)Examples are plenty; take the example of getting angry when your wife nags you. Even then, you would get back to feeling good (be in a good mood). During the exploration, you will come across a core belief ...18:28:19
@tek:tryp.ioteksounds a lot like my own philosophy, I'm curious to find out whether I can find some tools on that website18:28:32
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com) Nadri: I never did therapy; but my understanding is that therapy is rather superficial compared to the exploration one does in actualism. I mean, no one became free of their instinctual passions/ and the identify formed thereof by practicing therapy. 18:29:13

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