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21 Jun 2020
@tek:tryp.iotek srid: actualism, huh? 17:53:11
@tek:tryp.iotekis that like an advanced version of stoicism17:53:22
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com) tek: it is nothing to do with stoicism 17:54:23
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com)afaiu, stoicism is not about elimination of suffering.17:55:17
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com)the dictionary defines it has "endurance of pain or hardship" - which is pretty much what the stoic philosophy is; actualism on contrast is about blithely having fun, as opposed to sudorifically enduring :P 17:56:17
@tek:tryp.iotekI just felt there's a similarity in not battling your negative feelings17:57:05
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralornSo actualism is a form of hedonism?17:57:17
@tek:tryp.iotekat least some of your snippets seemed to suggest that that's part of it17:57:27
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com)Snippets as in the notes srid.ca? They are a big WIP17:57:48
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com) * Snippets as in the notes in srid.ca? They are a big WIP17:57:57
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com) maralorn: what gives you that impression 17:58:43
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralorn srid: That was supposed to be a informed and very much not judging guess based on purely the point "actualism on contrast is about blithely having fun". 17:59:51
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com)"not battling your negative feelings" is important, but that's not all of the picture in going past them so as to recommence enjoyment (which enjoyment got lost when those negative feelings begun). stoics may "not battle" their negative feelings, but they are not interested in exploring its cause and uprooting it.17:59:57
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralornWhich reads like hedonism.^^17:59:59
@tek:tryp.iotek srid: hence the qualifier "advanced" 🙂 18:00:33
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com)the word hedonism is usually applied in a narrow self-centered context. suppose if someone says "these kids are blithely having fun" - no one would say "these kids hedonistic", would they? 18:01:36
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com) * the word hedonism is usually applied in a narrow self-centered context. suppose if someone says "these kids are blithely having fun" - no one would say "these kids are hedonistic", would they? 18:01:47
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralornNo, they wouldn‘t.18:02:26
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralorn srid: But I don‘t consider hedonism as self-centered. 18:03:23
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralorne.g. I think one could talk about a hedonistic utilitarianism, which would want to increase over all fun in the world.18:04:06
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com)The problem with hedonism is its 'avoiding suffering' part.18:04:40
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com)Another problem is that its 'seeking pleasure' part is not necessarily 'having fun', and could involve the very suffering it is seeking to avoid. (This is more tricky to understand)18:05:18
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com) * Another problem is that its 'seeking pleasure' part is not necessarily all about 'having fun', and could involve the very suffering it is seeking to avoid. (This is more tricky to understand)18:05:50
@tek:tryp.iotekmore of a dopamine-junkie style18:06:12
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralornWell maybe I can read your snippets when you deem them release candidates.18:07:32
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralornI would certainly be interested to learn about it.18:07:43
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com)The best casual description (albeit in essay-style than atomic note-style; the later is what I'm hoping to produce) we have on actualism is this site: https://www.actualists.org/18:08:19

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