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https://github.com/shimat/opencvsharp2 Servers

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2 Oct 2019
@andy78lecce:matrix.organdy78leccethe name of the class is SLIC (Simple Linear Iterative Clustering)08:32:15
@andy78lecce:matrix.organdy78leccebut I don't find similar implementation i OpenCV#08:32:34
@joreg:matrix.orgiorecjep, seems missing08:34:04
@andy78lecce:matrix.organdy78lecceok thanks for the information....I try to translate the function from c++ in c#08:34:33
@joreg:matrix.orgiorecdon't forget to PR it back to the main repo then!08:36:01
@andy78lecce:matrix.organdy78lecceyes of course!08:37:00
11 Oct 2019
@truongld7107:matrix.orgtruongld7107 joined the room.09:34:44
18 Oct 2019
@amdi:matrix.orgamdi joined the room.00:27:01
@amdi:matrix.orgamdianyone managed to get opencvsharp built on osx?00:27:11
@joreg:matrix.orgiorecwe're using it on windows00:39:25
@amdi:matrix.orgamdiI just used a docker container instead, worked great02:01:19
22 Oct 2019
@wwlee:matrix.orgwwlee joined the room.07:41:56
@wwlee:matrix.orgwwleeCan someone help me for white balance in OpenCV of C# ?07:51:56
@ravazquez:matrix.orgravazquezI never did it myself but here are some examples (none in C#) but should serve as a guide on how to go about it:09:47:58
25 Oct 2019
@zemiacsik:matrix.orgzemiacsik joined the room.07:22:10
@zemiacsik:matrix.orgzemiacsikHello, is it possible to controlll flashlight of device/camera with OpenCVSharp? Because I have been assigned to a project with OpenCV .NET wrapper from EMGU but I was not able to accomplish this, so I am looking for some other solutions..07:25:43
@joreg:matrix.orgiorec zemiacsik: i am not aware of any generic api to control flashlights of cameras. so i doubt it is possible. i guess you'll have to look at the cameras specific API 11:32:25
@joreg:matrix.orgiorecwhat camera is it?11:32:30
@zemiacsik:matrix.orgzemiacsikIt is integrated on device (Win10 tablet). I was able to include UWP libraries and turn the flashlight on, but everytime VideoCapture is created the flashlight turns off ☹️11:50:49
@ravazquez:matrix.orgravazquezhave you checked the Property dialog that OpenCV gives you access to on your Video Input device? maybe there is an option there, not sure though, this is all very vendor/driver specific as far as I know12:21:49
27 Oct 2019
@andygybels:matrix.organdygybels joined the room.14:20:47
@andygybels:matrix.organdygybelsHey Guys, Trying to open an RTSP or RTMP network stream using the OpenCvSharp4.Windows nuget package. Verified stream is running using VLC. 14:26:41
@andygybels:matrix.organdygybelsusing the following code14:26:47

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