
Common Lisp

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Common Lisp38 Servers

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28 Jan 2021
@tasso:ostavrosnika.comAnastázius Kaejdar changed their display name from آناستاسیوس ☦️☼𓃬 to TheGoozFather.16:48:15
29 Jan 2021
@3ef5g7m:matrix.org@3ef5g7m:matrix.org joined the room.05:10:43
@3ef5g7m:matrix.org@3ef5g7m:matrix.org left the room.05:11:01
@tasso:ostavrosnika.comAnastázius Kaejdar changed their display name from TheGoozFather to آناستاسیوس☦️☼𓃬.17:39:07
1 Feb 2021
@gnu_ponut:matrix.orgGnuxie 💜🐝Oh 00:30:31
@gnu_ponut:matrix.orgGnuxie 💜🐝Hi o// 00:30:39
@mjfiano:matrix.org@mjfiano:matrix.orgOh hello gnuxie. I made it here finally.00:31:04
@gnu_ponut:matrix.orgGnuxie 💜🐝You were trying to get here? Lol 00:31:30
@mjfiano:matrix.org@mjfiano:matrix.orgNot that I was missing much it seems 😆00:31:34
@gnu_ponut:matrix.orgGnuxie 💜🐝 We moved to #common-lisp:ponies.im but thinking about it idk why the old alias is still pointing here 00:32:05
@mjfiano:matrix.org@mjfiano:matrix.orgNot trying I guess. Just am now. I've been using IRC for 30 years and didn't see a point, but just in case I'm missing something, here I am00:32:29
@gnu_ponut:matrix.orgGnuxie 💜🐝Ahh, well in terms of lisp you're missing nothing here 00:33:36
@mjfiano:matrix.org@mjfiano:matrix.orgOh ok, I just joined that one00:33:38
@gnu_ponut:matrix.orgGnuxie 💜🐝Did someone/thing give you the impression things were active? 00:35:56
@mjfiano:matrix.org@mjfiano:matrix.orgI try not to assume Lisp is dead or alive. It's better that way, because I will still use it regardless :)00:39:55
@gnu_ponut:matrix.orgGnuxie 💜🐝I meant here on Matrix specifically, but yeah i agree with you there 00:40:23
@mjfiano:matrix.org@mjfiano:matrix.orgBut as with any other Lisp forum, i don't expect much activity00:40:28
@mjfiano:matrix.org@mjfiano:matrix.orgI didn't know what to expect. I just used the explore feature on my homeserver and this is the only one that popped up00:41:37
@gnu_ponut:matrix.orgGnuxie 💜🐝oh I see now00:42:35
@mjfiano:matrix.org@mjfiano:matrix.orgCan we like point this room to the more active one somehow? I don't know much about matrix channels00:43:06
@mjfiano:matrix.org@mjfiano:matrix.orgDon't know if it makes sense to have both00:43:14
@gnu_ponut:matrix.orgGnuxie 💜🐝 well the admin's gone, I emailed the matrix.org admins about it and they did free the alias but somehow that has been reset (weird shit like this happens in old V1 rooms (but i didn't think it could happen to these)), the thing you'd normally do to do that is 'tombstone' it but they can't just send a tombstone and attribute it to @aerique:matrix.org because it would be impersonation 00:45:03
@gnu_ponut:matrix.orgGnuxie 💜🐝and this is a very common problem on here btw 00:45:38
@gnu_ponut:matrix.orgGnuxie 💜🐝https://github.com/aerique00:46:52
@gnu_ponut:matrix.orgGnuxie 💜🐝huh this person is still alive though00:46:56
@gnu_ponut:matrix.orgGnuxie 💜🐝it'd be a pita to poke them about it 00:47:02
@mjfiano:matrix.org@mjfiano:matrix.orgAlright, no prob I guess. That's decentralization for ya00:47:18
@mjfiano:matrix.org@mjfiano:matrix.orgAnyway, I'm here. If anyone wants to talk Lisp or Lisp gamedev, I'll listen to pings or DMs. On that note, I should probably get back to thinking about game code in a few.00:48:45
@gnu_ponut:matrix.orgGnuxie 💜🐝alright, that's awesome, happy hacking!00:54:53

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