

2875 Members
Althea validators discussion bridged to https://discord.gg/vw8twzR25 Servers

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21 Oct 2023
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Margaret Thatcher to Polisman.04:55:42
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Polisman to Margaret Thatcher.06:24:34
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Margaret Thatcher to Polisman.07:33:17
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Polisman to Pozdravitelj.09:04:55
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Pozdravitelj to Polisman.09:09:42
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Polisman to 𝘔𝘌𝘌6.09:33:26
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from 𝘔𝘌𝘌6 to Polisman.10:31:24
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Polisman to Margaret Thatcher.11:05:39
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Margaret Thatcher to Polisman.11:21:25
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Polisman to BlueBot.11:48:50
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from BlueBot to 𝘔𝘌𝘌6.11:56:49
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from 𝘔𝘌𝘌6 to Polisman.12:11:53
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Polisman to Margaret Thatcher.13:23:24
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Margaret Thatcher to Maviş.13:33:59
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Maviş to Destibotion.19:07:22
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Destibotion to 𝘔𝘌𝘌6.19:22:15
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from 𝘔𝘌𝘌6 to MEME6.20:26:09
@_discord_311317888021561354:t2bot.ioavlaxis changed their display name from avlaxis#0 to avlaxis.20:48:42
24 Oct 2023
@_discord_477146895068823554:t2bot.iodeb_simpier 17:39:33
9 Nov 2023
@_discord_844196216501698560:t2bot.iotrdm changed their display name from trdm#0 to trdm.19:50:45
7 Dec 2023
@_discord_268024914475220992:t2bot.ioZdeadex | StakeLab changed their display name from Zdeadex#3976 to Zdeadex | StakeLab.23:45:34
27 Dec 2023
@_discord_855160758588538942:t2bot.ioChristian | Althea 16:25:26
28 Dec 2023
@_discord_477146895068823554:t2bot.iodeb_simpier 02:24:54
2 Jan 2024
@_discord_267031307945508864:t2bot.ioJustin | Althea 12:33:46
5 Jan 2024
@_discord_417659552646037507:t2bot.io44d changed their display name from steve to 44d.09:35:07
7 Jan 2024
@_discord_790201088099614750:t2bot.ioalxbitszn changed their display name from alx | bitszn#6839 to alxbitszn.17:25:19
10 Jan 2024
@_discord_371364996564647938:t2bot.ioshoegazer [soma|staking] changed their display name from shoegazer69 to shoegazer [soma|staking].21:36:41
5 May 2024
@theplayer:matrix.org@theplayer:matrix.org joined the room.09:23:38
@theplayer:matrix.org@theplayer:matrix.org left the room.09:23:45
22 May 2024
@monkey:tomesh.net@monkey:tomesh.net left the room.00:10:09

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