

900 Members
Main room for the Accrescent app store. Primarily intended for questions, suggestions, and development/design discussion. https://accrescent.app. Join #accrescent-space:matrix.org for the space, #accrescent-offtopic:matrix.org for off-topic discussions, and #accrescent-announcements:matrix.org for announcements.85 Servers

1509 users have interacted with this room.
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MXIDAvatarDisplay NamePower Level
@alyxoxx:tchncs.de@alyxoxx:tchncs.de(inactive use @alyx:matrix.juggler.jp)User(0)
@inc1n3r470r:tchncs.de@inc1n3r470r:tchncs.de1nc1n3r470r (mistyped my name) (writing stuff into your display name is cringe)User(0)