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Main room for the Accrescent app store. Primarily intended for questions, suggestions, and development/design discussion. https://accrescent.app. Join #accrescent-space:matrix.org for the space, #accrescent-offtopic:matrix.org for off-topic discussions, and #accrescent-announcements:matrix.org for announcements.84 Servers

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4 Feb 2025
@lberrymage:matrix.orglberrymageAnd they can already manually update from somewhere else, which will cause Accrescent to relinquish update responsibility23:04:55
@hybridstaticanimate:matrix.orgHybridStaticAnimateI guess the dev can just make a popup telling the user to sideload and ask to be delisted from the site.23:07:08
@hybridstaticanimate:matrix.orgHybridStaticAnimate * 23:08:04
@lberrymage:matrix.orglberrymageSomething like that perhaps23:08:13
@lberrymage:matrix.orglberrymageUnder the directory service, an app could be delisted while still serving updates to existing users23:08:47
@lberrymage:matrix.orglberrymage* Under the directory service, an app could be delisted for new users while still serving updates to existing users23:08:56
@hybridstaticanimate:matrix.orgHybridStaticAnimateFor like, lagging behind targetSDK, right?23:09:12
@lberrymage:matrix.orglberrymageWell, it could be used for something like that23:10:37
@lberrymage:matrix.orglberrymageBut I mention it now because that could be used by an app developer to slowly transition users away from Accrescent23:10:57
In reply to @lberrymage:matrix.org
But I mention it now because that could be used by an app developer to slowly transition users away from Accrescent
Would such a setting be exposed to a dev?
@hybridstaticanimate:matrix.orgHybridStaticAnimateAnd their preference is ignored in the event that they fall too far behind targetSDK requirements?23:12:50
@lberrymage:matrix.orglberrymageBecause they should be the ones to control their app listings and whether they're public (to a degree). If they want to make them private to new users, I don't see a reason why they shouldn't be allowed to do that23:13:47
@lberrymage:matrix.orglberrymageIf they fall too far behind on target SDK requirements, then the listing will go private for the appropriate users regardless, yes23:14:21
@lberrymage:matrix.orglberrymageBut I mean if they didn't want more people installing from Accrescent for some reason, they could hide the listing for new users while still publishing updates through Accrescent so that existing users aren't stranded23:14:58
5 Feb 2025
@jokebot02:matrix.org@jokebot02:matrix.org left the room.07:45:04
@bhydden:matrix.orgBHyddenNew app in the store: MyHackerspace22:30:23
6 Feb 2025
@david.percival:matrix.orgdavid.percival set a profile picture.03:07:21
@captainepoch:matrix.rmed.dev@captainepoch:matrix.rmed.dev left the room.05:39:36
Download Screenshot_20250206-090552.png
@tarmac382:matrix.orgtarmac382 I keep getting this error when I refresh the store 09:06:20
@test2036:matrix.orgtest2036 joined the room.09:21:11
@tahamin26:matrix.orgtahamin26 joined the room.09:23:12
@tahamin26:matrix.orgtahamin26Me, too! Just installed a fresh GrapheneOS. I didn't see it last time a few days ago. Maybe after the new update for GOS?09:24:49
@soupslurpr:matrix.orgsoupslurprIs it still happening?09:35:13
@tahamin26:matrix.orgtahamin26No :) It's working at the moment.09:35:48
@soupslurpr:matrix.orgsoupslurprGreat :D, same for me09:36:01
@tarmac382:matrix.orgtarmac382Working for me too now09:38:04
@olla_bengtsson:matrix.orgolla_bengtsson joined the room.19:30:35
8 Feb 2025
@o0l1h3.ji5i0:matrix.org@o0l1h3.ji5i0:matrix.org joined the room.00:11:54
@o0l1h3.ji5i0:matrix.org@o0l1h3.ji5i0:matrix.org left the room.00:12:08

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