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Main room for the Accrescent app store. Primarily intended for questions, suggestions, and development/design discussion. https://accrescent.app. Join #accrescent-space:matrix.org for the space, #accrescent-offtopic:matrix.org for off-topic discussions, and #accrescent-announcements:matrix.org for announcements.77 Servers

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9 Jan 2022
In reply to @graphenegirl:matrix.org
Hi flawedworld
@ppman420:matrix.orgejecting sussi amogi since 2021
In reply to @june:grapheneos.org
hi ppman420 from matrix.org
hi June from goth os dot org
@lberrymage:matrix.orglberrymage ejecting sussi amogi since 2021: Howdy 08:14:49
@ppman420:matrix.orgejecting sussi amogi since 2021hi berry08:15:02
@sticcus:matrix.orgsticcus joined the room.12:14:22
@jenkei:matrix.orgjenkei joined the room.14:04:13
In reply to @lberrymage:matrix.org
Probably. I like dark colors, so something purple and/or blue will stay
Hopefully we also get a clean light theme!
@graphenegirl:matrix.org@graphenegirl:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event16:12:49
@matchboxbananasynergy:matrix.orgmatchboxbananasynergyAbsolutely, most apps have a "system", "dark" and "light" theme option16:13:22
@matchboxbananasynergy:matrix.orgmatchboxbananasynergyI think the Aurora Store's design is nice, for example16:13:35
@matchboxbananasynergy:matrix.orgmatchboxbananasynergyI like the clean modern light theme16:13:40
@lost_cause:matrix.orglost_causeLooking forward to see your app grow. I'm very happy to see a project like this. 16:41:12
@matchboxbananasynergy:matrix.orgmatchboxbananasynergy For sure! Take your time and do it right, we desperately need an app store with sane security as an alt to Play Store!\ 16:45:01
@matchboxbananasynergy:matrix.orgmatchboxbananasynergy * For sure! Take your time and do it right, we desperately need an app store with sane security as an alt to Play Store!16:45:41

lberrymage: On the Github page, under the About section of the readme, it says: "Accrescent aims to provide a accessible app store with modern security features and strict minimum requirements for apps in its repository."

It should be "an accessible app store", I believe.

In reply to @matchboxbananasynergy:matrix.org
Hopefully we also get a clean light theme!
You will! Accrescent technically already has a dark and light theme and chooses the appropriate one based on the system theme. It'll become more user-visible with the UI overhaul
In reply to @matchboxbananasynergy:matrix.org

lberrymage: On the Github page, under the About section of the readme, it says: "Accrescent aims to provide a accessible app store with modern security features and strict minimum requirements for apps in its repository."

It should be "an accessible app store", I believe.

Thanks! I'll fix that as soon as I get a chance
@lberrymage:matrix.orglberrymageFixed it18:58:42
@lberrymage:matrix.orglberrymageI'm working on designing the developer portal and I'd like to hear your guys' thoughts on this:19:17:05
@lberrymage:matrix.orglberrymage The current primary workflow for a developer is authenticate -> upload app + metadata -> server-side validation -> server pushes app to repository 19:17:10
@lberrymage:matrix.orglberrymageHow should the server "push" apps to the repository?19:17:36
@lberrymage:matrix.orglberrymageI'm unfamiliar with how this kind of task is traditionally done, so any insight into this problem is appreciated19:19:30
@graphenegirl:matrix.org@graphenegirl:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event19:46:54
@strangefield:matrix.org@strangefield:matrix.org joined the room.19:47:03
@graphenegirl:matrix.org@graphenegirl:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event19:51:16
@graphenegirl:matrix.org@graphenegirl:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event19:51:48
@lberrymage:matrix.orglberrymageAuthentication will likely be Oauth with GitHub since it covers most developers and keeps me from needing to write an authentication system from scratch. That way developers can also have 2FA like you described from the get-go19:59:17

for making sure it is truly the developer?

Apps being signed prior to their upload should solve the issue. Despite Play App Signing, Google still requires that the developer signs the uploaded app before they resign it, so they can be sure it's the developer.

In reply to @lberrymage:matrix.org
Authentication will likely be Oauth with GitHub since it covers most developers and keeps me from needing to write an authentication system from scratch. That way developers can also have 2FA like you described from the get-go
Eventually they'll be able to add API keys for uploading from CD
In reply to @lberrymage:matrix.org
Authentication will likely be Oauth with GitHub since it covers most developers and keeps me from needing to write an authentication system from scratch. That way developers can also have 2FA like you described from the get-go
I think it's a good idea

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