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22 Apr 2024
@wardpearce:matrix.orgWardReview needed whenever any is free https://github.com/iv-org/smart-ipv6-rotator/pull/21#issuecomment-206885051408:59:19
@wardpearce:matrix.orgWard * Review needed whenever anyone is free https://github.com/iv-org/smart-ipv6-rotator/pull/21#issuecomment-206885051408:59:31
Download 7a40a5ea-5b31-436f-8bd0-f1f68f5ce3fa.png

[New Post on Mastodon] https://social.tchncs.de/@invidious/112314272512979484


New post in Recent Commits to infrastructure:master: Update the Caddy config for uptime.x


New post in Recent Commits to infrastructure:master: Merge pull request #18 from iv-org/caddyupdate

@cadence:cadence.moe@cadence:cadence.moehttps://redirect.invidious.io/1R6CxuUwA7E https://api.invidious.io/instances.json?sort_by=type,health seems like sort_by breaks instances.json?12:55:54
@unixfox:matrix.orgunixfoxhttps://github.com/iv-org/instances-api/issues/49?notification_referrer_id=NT_kwDOAD1JdbMxMDM1NjIxNjExODo0MDE2NTAx known13:23:18
@unixfox:matrix.orgunixfox * https://github.com/iv-org/instances-api/issues/49 known13:23:24
@rei:whoison.topRei joined the room.13:36:18
@nightbronze:matrix.org@nightbronze:matrix.org removed their profile picture.14:57:10
@invidious-bot:tchncs.deiv-bot<Dathes> Keepa runs a database of products sold on Amazon. They build this database by having 3rd parties scrape Amazon pages, collect the data in a central database, and provide an API for anyone to retrieve data. Is there something similar available for YouTube? (let's ignore for a second that Keepa needs people to install a browser extension and makes17:17:56
@invidious-bot:tchncs.deiv-bot<Dathes> you pay for calling their API)17:17:56
@unixfox:matrix.orgunixfoxThat's exactly what invidious does except there is no 3rd party and only the metadata is stored temporarily for the users17:26:15
@thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.orgTheFrenchGhostySounds like Keepa wants to get sued17:32:29
@invidious-bot:tchncs.deiv-bot<Dathes> Keepa has been in business for many years. I guess amazon has a hard time claiming scraping is illegal when they are a prolific scraper themselves (ie. they compare prices on the web for the 'buy now' button)17:46:55
@invidious-bot:tchncs.deiv-bot<Dathes> I currently scrape 4000+ channels but it takes a fair bit of time and effort and it needs to be scaled up to much larger numbers so I'm looking to exchange data17:51:08
@unixfox:matrix.orgunixfoxplease do not get too much offtopic. this is about invidious and not massive scraping of youtube. thank you!17:54:03

New post in Recent Commits to instances-api:master: Fix cast error of uptime value (#50)

@daknig:matrix.orgDaKnigyo. m making an invidious client. how do I deal with caching ? how can u know if cache is up to date?18:33:19
@samantazfox:pussthecat.orgSamantaz Fox https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Caching 18:34:39
@thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.orgTheFrenchGhostyredirect.invidious.io was updated and now works again19:02:28
@thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.orgTheFrenchGhosty ( unixfox from my PR: "Changing the API might not have been a good idea though... even if "ratio" wasn't a good name for the "uptime value" I'm expecting that other projects might have depended on it (though I guess we can force them to update to "uptime"... even if doing it without warning isn't ideal)" 19:06:06

New post in Recent Commits to invidious-redirect:master: Update to use the new layout from api


New post in Recent Commits to invidious-redirect:master: Merge pull request #36 from iv-org/updown


New post in Recent Commits to documentation:master: remove inv.n8pjl.ca


New post in Recent Commits to documentation:master: update uptime link to updown.io


New post in Recent Commits to documentation:master: use official uptime website for updown.io


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