
Politics and Philosophy

796 Members
Civil political and philosophical conversations go here. No memes, no political cartoons, no flaming or being a dickhead. Mentioning Louis may result in a ban. These rules are enforced by admin and moderator discretion.114 Servers

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22 Oct 2022
In reply to @punzada:matrix.org
sent an image.
@jamesthemememan:matrix.orgjamesthemememan joined the room.02:04:36
@jamesthemememan:matrix.orgjamesthemememan set a profile picture.02:06:04
@reklipz:matrix.org(void *) nullimage.png
Download image.png
@xuramaz:matrix.orgXuramazDownload 1984.mp402:08:11
@powerfucker7:matrix.orgbleachmaster joined the room.03:16:17
@powerfucker7:matrix.orgbleachmaster left the room.03:16:50
@rtv190:matrix.orgrtv190 joined the room.03:31:44
@rtv190:matrix.orgrtv190 set a profile picture.03:32:09
@maydaychannel:matrix.orgnotmaydayRedacted or Malformed Event03:44:24
@wapelo:matrix.orgwapelo joined the room.04:01:54
@carrehec:matrix.orgcarrehec set a profile picture.04:33:11
@elsandosgrande:matrix.orgSandy Vujaković joined the room.04:57:54
@xpp:matrix.orgxpp joined the room.05:17:38
@maydaychannel:matrix.orgnotmayday set a profile picture.05:20:37
@t3chn0x4b0:matrix.orgT3CHN01200 joined the room.05:22:01
@xpp:matrix.orgxppso uhh, why's there a "philosophy-politics" room and also a "Politics and Philosophy" room?05:31:25
@maydaychannel:matrix.orgnotmaydayyes 05:44:18
@chargingmann:matrix.orgchargingmann joined the room.06:12:49
@erkinalp:matrix.orgErkin Alp joined the room.06:57:17
@erkinalp:matrix.orgErkin Alpyeah, tombstone one to another06:57:28
@erkinalp:matrix.orgErkin Alphttps://spec.matrix.org/v1.4/client-server-api/#mroomtombstone06:58:23
@carrehec:matrix.orgcarrehec it seems louis created the other one. we'll look at tombstoning them. 11:27:57
@rcampbell:matrix.orgrcampbell joined the room.12:52:10
@rcampbell:matrix.orgrcampbell set a profile picture.12:54:21
@rcampbell:matrix.orgrcampbell changed their profile picture.12:55:55
@minigeeko:matrix.imTransactional Update Enjoyer joined the room.14:32:44
@dummydum:matrix.orgdummydum joined the room.15:14:09
@dummydum:matrix.orgdummydumwhy are there 2 philpols15:15:01

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