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5 Feb 2022
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_freem:irc.freegamedev.netfreemwell, there's no money to earn anyway, it's just for fun22:02:01
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1 freem: I too would like to see more "codejams" for focussed working on existing games 22:07:09
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_freem:irc.freegamedev.netfreememorrp1: I'm biased here :)22:07:49
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_freem:irc.freegamedev.netfreemI'm a contributor of a ~240KLoC game after all22:08:12
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1I know 🙂 I personally wouldn't work on unv, but you do you22:08:14
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_freem:irc.freegamedev.netfreemI do it not because i like unv, but because I think I can build a decent game out of it22:08:48
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1I just agree with you that you end up with more of a toy than a game otherwise22:09:11
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_freem:irc.freegamedev.netfreemI like the original idea, but most importantly, unv is the only serious FOSS game which tries to be something else than a quake like22:09:45
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_freem:irc.freegamedev.netfreem(not much, sure)22:09:54
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_freem:irc.freegamedev.netfreembasically, I simply decided that, improving it's codebase is the best way to realistically endup with a foss game I might like22:10:49
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_freem:irc.freegamedev.netfreemthis is very different from "I like unv, so I improve it"22:11:13
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1sure, I'm just not bothered by FPS, ut99 is goat for me in that genre22:11:31
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_freem:irc.freegamedev.netfreemI kind of liked UT9822:11:52
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_freem:irc.freegamedev.netfreemit was nice22:11:58
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_freem:irc.freegamedev.netfreemif one considers FOSS FPSes...22:12:26
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_freem:irc.freegamedev.netfreemwell, most of them are quake likes22:12:35
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_freem:irc.freegamedev.netfreemunvanquished itself is a quake derivative, and it feels22:12:51
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_freem:irc.freegamedev.netfreembut it tries to be a bit less jumpy than the other ones (no rocket jumps notably)22:13:23
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_freem:irc.freegamedev.netfreemand since it's a quake child, it have this server-side modding ability22:13:52
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_freem:irc.freegamedev.netfreemother advantages it has are, the use of navmeshes for bots, even if imperfect, it allows bots to have okayish moves, and the behavior tree might be weak, but basics are there22:15:06
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_freem:irc.freegamedev.netfreemah, I should not say that, I guess22:15:32
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_freem:irc.freegamedev.netfreemI think unvanquished can be a good base to build a first person game22:16:58
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_freem:irc.freegamedev.netfreemand contributing to it won't end up in lost efforts, because there is at least one game which will use the contribs22:17:42
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_freem:irc.freegamedev.netfreemso even if I do use unvanquished to prepare the game I have in mind, and so have an agenda22:18:13
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_freem:irc.freegamedev.netfreemmy contributions are useful, even if my agenda fail22:18:36
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqyeah that is one good way to approach it 22:20:06
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_freem:irc.freegamedev.netfreemthat's the way of FOSS22:20:18
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_freem:irc.freegamedev.netfreemI can't say I'm never tempted to just throw away lot of it's code22:20:37

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