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24 Feb 2023
@modanung:matrix.org@modanung:matrix.orgAnd a free software karaoke game must include the Free Software Song.12:53:57
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqwhich also falls under the "well known songs" category I guess 😏️12:55:13
@modanung:matrix.org@modanung:matrix.orgIndeed, "popular" depends on the populous forming the party.12:56:17
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_mcmic:irc.freegamedev.netmcmic joined the room.12:57:07
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_mcmic:irc.freegamedev.netmcmic left the room.13:27:20
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_mcmic:irc.freegamedev.netmcmic joined the room.13:36:44
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_erekir:irc.freegamedev.neterekir joined the room.15:40:26
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_mcmic:irc.freegamedev.netmcmic left the room.15:40:34
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_mcmic:irc.freegamedev.netmcmic joined the room.15:47:50
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqhmm, looks like I need to retire the xmpp bridge on irc.freegamedev.net sooner than expected, as neither it, not the appservice-irc supports SNI it seems16:00:00
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqnormal IRC clients might also be effected if they lack SNI support. I tested with hexchat and that does have SNI support, but it would be probably good if people here could test with their clients16:01:00
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqin theory this network should be accessible via irc.f-hub.org as well since a few weeks16:01:35
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqbut if the client doesn't support SNI it will complain about a certificate missmatch with irc.freegamedev.net16:02:13
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqI need to make irc.f-hub.org the primary address to make the new bridges stop fail like that, but that means some IRC clients without SNI support will start failing when trying to connect via irc.freegamedev.net then16:03:24
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqno idea how widely SNI is supported or not in IRC clients16:03:40
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_elouin:irc.freegamedev.netElouinSo we should all switch our {IRC, XMPP} clients to the new domain in the coming days?16:06:51
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_f-a:irc.freegamedev.netf-ais there a new domain16:08:05
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqnot really. I am planning to keep the irc.freegamedev.net, but for federated bridges that depend on the domain I am trying to move to f-hub.org as that is a domain actually under my control.16:11:11
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqfreegamedev.net is managed by charlie and while I do have access to changing DNS records Charlie has been really non-responsive lately and my questions to transfer the domain have never worked out in the 2-3 years I have been asking about it16:12:28
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqI *think* for most IRC users it should be still working fine via irc.freegamedev.net16:14:18
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqand I was hoping to keep the XMPP bridge up as well on that domain, but I realized now that this will not work due to the SNI issue explained above16:14:55
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqmatrix users need to change anyways with the new bridge16:15:10
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqso as for the general plan this weekend: I will turn off the heisenbridge and conduit matrix stuff. the existing FDG first matrix rooms will be tombstoned and hopefully I can manage to redirect them to the new IRC portal rooms on f-hub.org even though that homeserver will only start federating after I have turned off Conduit.16:21:59
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqthe plumbed rooms from the libregameing project will probably not be bridged for a few days until I got everything back in order and can look into plumbing them again via appservice-irc instead of heisenbridge16:23:22
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqand yes xmpp users will need to switch to xmpp:#general@irc.f-hub.org?join and the like (link not working yet)16:24:34
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqthis will also unfortunalty happen this weekend16:25:22
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqah and I will probably switch the #Veloren bridge to work through Matrix as they have an official Matrix homeserver and right now our direct IRC to Discord bridge doesn't show the messages from Matrix which is a bit annoying when people actuall use their Matrix bridge (very few do, but I hope it will become more popular)16:28:11
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqthat will mean though that on #veloren at least all Discord users will look like Matrix users. No big difference right? 😏️16:29:37
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqon other channels it should add [D] and [M] tags of shame where applicable fine though16:30:40

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