
OS security

109 Members
https://fantasycookie17.onederfultech.com/posts/2020/08/a-secure-os.html Discussion on sandboxing, virtualization, encryption, verified boot, exploit mitigations and so on. Occasional discussion on app security is allowed as well, especially when directly related to an OS's security. We focus mainly on FOSS operating systems, but discussion on how to implement the security features of proprietary ones in FOSS OSes is accepted as well. Discussion on operating systems in general, not specifically for security: #os:fantasycookie17.onederfultech.com Rules: In order to prevent these silent lurker bots that are around Matrix from staying in this room, please introduce yourself upon joining. Keep it mostly on topic, no spam, NSFW content or similar, no ban evasion, make sure it is clear to room members what information they can get from links you share, no discrimination, no ad hominem. Try to avoid these: https://pics.me.me/annoying-typing-habits-i-l337-speak-2-enter-key-h3110-11638212.png https://dontasktoask.com http://xyproblem.info https://www.nohello.com Moderation is open to criticism and suggestions, but again, do not use insults or and do not disrespect. Logos in the avatar, in mathematically positive direction, starting at the top: Genode, Apple, seL4, Solaris, HURD, Windows, RedoxOS, Linux, Plan 9 from Bell Labs, BSD, KolibriOS, Fuchsia.19 Servers

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6 Oct 2020
@the0:privacytools.iothe0 [PTIO]Goodnight.22:05:44
In reply to @the0:privacytools.io
What is a better measure to escape it then?
@uhoh:matrix.org@uhoh:matrix.orgAm I naive to think that LibreJS solves most of the problems with browser JS?22:06:26
@uhoh:matrix.org@uhoh:matrix.org * Am I naive to think that LibreJS solves most of the security problems with browser JS?22:06:39
@fantasycookie17:fantasycookie17.onederfultech.comFantasyCookie17 Yes. An attacker could make a “trivial” JS that is malicious, or just a free license into the comments. 22:07:13
@fantasycookie17:fantasycookie17.onederfultech.comFantasyCookie17 * Yes. An attacker could make a “trivial” JS that is malicious, or just put a free license into the comments. 22:07:21
@uhoh:matrix.org@uhoh:matrix.orgHmm. So all JS is irredeemably doomed? What if I manually inspect all of it?22:07:49
@fantasycookie17:fantasycookie17.onederfultech.comFantasyCookie17 NoScript solves all the issues, however. 22:07:49
@fantasycookie17:fantasycookie17.onederfultech.comFantasyCookie17 You could do that, have fun with that. 22:08:07
@uhoh:matrix.org@uhoh:matrix.orgNoScript pisses me off because the author enables JS on his personal blog and literally advertises malware22:08:32
@fantasycookie17:fantasycookie17.onederfultech.comFantasyCookie17I know… On the other hand, perhaps it is to showcase why you need NoScript?22:09:10
@uhoh:matrix.org@uhoh:matrix.orgPerhaps it is22:09:22
@uhoh:matrix.org@uhoh:matrix.orgWhat is the key to interactivity on the web if JS is insecure?22:09:41
@fantasycookie17:fantasycookie17.onederfultech.comFantasyCookie17 You should trust the site, and have a well isolated browser. 22:11:13
@uhoh:matrix.org@uhoh:matrix.org Is the web just irredeemably broken? Are native apps better? 22:11:50
@fantasycookie17:fantasycookie17.onederfultech.comFantasyCookie17 It’s also possible to write interactive elements in CSS (look at the menu on my site, for example, if I wanted to, I could even make it animated). 22:11:55
In reply to @uhoh:matrix.org
Is the web just irredeemably broken? Are native apps better?
Native apps typically are preferable, yes.
@uhoh:matrix.org@uhoh:matrix.orgTime for me to learn some Android22:12:27
In reply to @fantasycookie17:fantasycookie17.onederfultech.com
Native apps typically are preferable, yes.
What about a JSless web app? Is that acceptable?
@fantasycookie17:fantasycookie17.onederfultech.comFantasyCookie17 Yes… Those are complicated, though. 22:15:26
@uhoh:matrix.org@uhoh:matrix.orgComplicated in terms of what needs to happen for security and privacy?22:16:12
@fantasycookie17:fantasycookie17.onederfultech.comFantasyCookie17 Complicated in terms of implementation. Anyway, we’re driving into off-topic-terrain rn (and have been for the previous time already). 22:19:15
@concat:spitetech.comconcatPrevious time already? When was that? Sorry, wasn't supervising chat that much22:22:01
@fantasycookie17:fantasycookie17.onederfultech.comFantasyCookie17 We drifted off to discussing general privacy, as the0 claimed Tor did not increase privacy. 22:26:32
In reply to @fantasycookie17:fantasycookie17.onederfultech.com
I know… On the other hand, perhaps it is to showcase why you need NoScript?
Doubt it
In reply to @uhoh:matrix.org
Is the web just irredeemably broken? Are native apps better?
Yes 100%
@imperator_orionis:matrix.org@imperator_orionis:matrix.orgUse gomuks instead of element22:29:29
In reply to @imperator_orionis:matrix.org
Use gomuks instead of element
How does Gomuks implement E2EE?
In reply to @imperator_orionis:matrix.org
Use gomuks instead of element
Does gomuks even have moderation and such?
In reply to @concat:spitetech.com
How does Gomuks implement E2EE?
Haven't taken a look, all I know is that it does

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