
neorg GTD

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27 Nov 2023
@_discord_185515919504572416:t2bot.iomeatwaddington joined the room.13:11:44
@_discord_433243269002952714:t2bot.ioillumiko 14:26:11
28 Nov 2023
@_discord_706529084662087690:t2bot.iorithulkamesh joined the room.08:54:07
@_discord_654426197366800387:t2bot.ioxorlop joined the room.17:24:15
@_discord_157959321450184704:t2bot.iowheel5 joined the room.17:43:14
@_discord_709256259437592627:t2bot.io.pysan3 18:45:23
@_discord_139147408855531520:t2bot.ioneuromncr joined the room.21:11:17
@_discord_705396481972109342:t2bot.iomc joined the room.21:28:09
29 Nov 2023
@_discord_1055056187806208021:t2bot.iochampignoom 13:48:40
30 Nov 2023
@_discord_220858043032666112:t2bot.iosekki1473 joined the room.15:43:51
@_discord_588325045206646796:t2bot.ionotflor joined the room.16:10:05
@_discord_441519954689261569:t2bot.iodaglee 17:09:19
@_discord_671602021530337292:t2bot.io.sh.ft changed their display name from dyson sphere supremacy to busy while preparing to exams.19:36:02
@_discord_671602021530337292:t2bot.io.sh.ft changed their display name from busy while preparing to exams to jay0shift.19:46:04
@_discord_671602021530337292:t2bot.io.sh.ft changed their display name from jay0shift to .sh.ft.21:07:29
1 Dec 2023
@_discord_387036585033465856:t2bot.iontbbloodbath changed their profile picture.14:35:28
@_discord_843826742614294568:t2bot.ioastro changed their display name from astro 2.0 to astro 3.0.17:31:38
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro Sorry for lack of updates but I spent days fighting the type system and I finally got it to behave! 18:04:13
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro Ontologies are now implemented and I finished the basic skeleton for the inbox, which I am going to continue pursuing now 18:04:39
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro as it turns out a trait of a trait with types implemented for a struct does not end well whatsoever 18:05:09
@_discord_843826742614294568:t2bot.ioastro changed their display name from astro 3.0 to chocolate.18:16:33
@_discord_829024113296539658:t2bot.iomax397 epic 18:20:49
@_discord_785512080395730984:t2bot.iocomposer3 Wow this is some crazy code 18:46:27
@_discord_785512080395730984:t2bot.iocomposer3 So .vhyrro aren't ontologies a Neorg concept? Is there a reason then that they're being defined in GTD instead of as a part of main Neorg? 18:48:07
@_discord_785512080395730984:t2bot.iocomposer3 Or is this just one implementation? Are they defined somewhere as part of neorg already? 18:48:44
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro they are a neorg concept yep! After the initial implementation is complete I'm planning on making the whole ontology thing a separate module 18:48:50
@_discord_785512080395730984:t2bot.iocomposer3 Okay cool that makes sense 👍👍 18:49:17
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro I just want something that works now without having to wire every module together painstakingly. it really slows down the debugging process hah 18:49:25
@_discord_785512080395730984:t2bot.iocomposer3 Yeah that's reasonable. It makes sense that GTD is the first and probably most important use case for ontologies anyway, so implementing them alongside that makes sense. 18:50:12
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro lol it took me a while to make it all work 18:51:12

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