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27 Dec 2023
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro true 20:06:32
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro thank bloody goodness for rocks.nvim 20:06:36
@_discord_232582469457674243:t2bot.iosevoris On the positive hand, I get to gather experience with graph databases at work.

On the ambivalent hand
>it‘s all java
>always has been
@_discord_232582469457674243:t2bot.iosevoris Apache Spark is pretty fly tho. And Neo4J is pretty cool too 20:08:53
@_discord_232582469457674243:t2bot.iosevoris Not nessecarily for what we‘re doing cause Cypher is heavily engineered for data analysis. But it‘s cool. Anyway. 20:11:17
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@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro bye bye 20:11:32
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro probably not fit for our cases though are they 20:11:40
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro okay can't set up test server rn i'll try in an hour. have errands to do 20:13:00
@_discord_232582469457674243:t2bot.iosevoris Not unless we need to run Norgopolis on a cluster scale we don‘t 😄 20:13:56
@_discord_232582469457674243:t2bot.iosevoris At least it‘s giving me more experience with graph DBs. Now just to get the time to work on stuff… 20:15:00
@_discord_369219435497783298:t2bot.ioklafyvel 21:02:32
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro wait hold on 21:08:02
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro HOLD ON 21:08:04
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro it didn't crash sevoris 21:08:07
@_discord_232582469457674243:t2bot.iosevoris charging poggers capacitors 21:08:26
@_discord_232582469457674243:t2bot.iosevoris So it really definitely worked .vhyrro 21:08:41
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro i need to triple quadruple check 21:08:49
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro because I don't believe it 21:08:52
@_discord_829024113296539658:t2bot.iomax397 21:08:54
@_discord_829024113296539658:t2bot.iomax397 why we removed the poggers emoji .vhyrro 21:09:01
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro because there be no space 21:09:09
@_discord_232582469457674243:t2bot.iosevoris Poggers drive charging 21:09:12
@_discord_783655191953670214:t2bot.io.vhyrro only x amount of slots 21:09:12
@_discord_829024113296539658:t2bot.iomax397 remove sweg 21:09:41
@_discord_232582469457674243:t2bot.iosevoris https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pa5r7qIEZg4 21:09:42
@_discord_829024113296539658:t2bot.iomax397 21:09:44
@_discord_829024113296539658:t2bot.iomax397 or 21:09:48
@_discord_829024113296539658:t2bot.iomax397 21:09:54
@_discord_829024113296539658:t2bot.iomax397 or 21:09:54

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